
November 13, 2014

Artist Perfectly Illustrates What Happens To Democrats Who Assume Voters Are Stupid

There’s no mystery to the midterm shellacking. It was a loud, clear shoutout to Congress to Just Stop It. Not only stop Obamacare, which more likely will end up being tweaked, but to stop executive overreach and disinformation to sway votes while betraying voters. 
There’s no denying that the midterms were a referendum on President Barack Obama. The president prefers to say they were a referendum on his policies, which is perhaps an easier pill to swallow. But Obama is his policies, which happen to rub many Republicans (and at least a few Democrats) the wrong way.
Moreover, people don’t like being insulted and misled, as many feel they have been by this administration. This is not just a feeling but a demonstrable fact, especially vis-a-vis the Affordable Care Act. And it’s not just the far-right fringe who object to the strategic misrepresentations along the way.

These obfuscations include telling the American people that they could keep the insurance they had if they liked it and also writing the law in such a way that the ACA’s mandate to purchase government-approved insurance was not a “tax,” despite the Internal Revenue Service’s role in policing its compliance.

The keep-your-insurance ruse is history now, but the memory still lingers in the minds of voters, who, contrary to what the Obama White House thinks, are not stupid. There’s no dishonor — and it certainly isn’t stupid — to not understand the ACA. The then-Democratic-controlled Congress that passed the thing didn’t even understand it. I’d wager that most members still don’t.
Punditry aside, there’s no mystery to the midterm shellacking. It was a loud, clear shoutout to Congress to Just Stop It. Not only stop Obamacare, which more likely will end up being tweaked, but to stop executive overreach and disinformation to sway votes while betraying voters.

Those who feel defrauded by their own government got third-party confirmation this week when remarks by one of the ACA’s chief architects, MIT economist Jonathan Gruber — invoking the stupidity of voters and lauding the political advantage of a lack of transparency in government — went viral.


  1. the illustration fails to mention that its just a different group of puppets for wall st and the war machine to dictate policy to. obamacare wont be repealed and if you think these scumbags will deviate from the elite agenda you are a fool.

  2. I'm with Justin on this, what difference does it make some low level psychopaths get to retire on a comfortable pension after screwing the country, just so the next crop of sociopaths can come in and do the same.

  3. The voters ARE stupid and proof of it is seen in Obama being elected twice!
    Moreover, the ACA will NOT be killed with the republican majority.
    Nor will the NDAA, the Patriot Act, the open borders, amnesty & the TSA.
    Nothing will change, only stupid voters think it will.

  4. This is why they want to import a new more reliant 3rd world people. They don't care about politics or what happens to America, they just care when the next check comes. It give the Government free reign to do whatever they like. Amnesty is coming up. In 50 years the historic majority in America (white people) will become the minority by design and America will finally descend into 3rd world status. The people who rule it would rule a dumpster so long as they are the ones ruling.
