
April 12, 2012

Mitt Romney discusses his horses in leaked Fox News footage

A video leaked by a Fox News 'mole' shows presidential candidate Mitt Romney chatting about his horses before an interview last February.

"What kind of horses do you have?" asks Fox interviewer Sean Hannity after Mr Romney reveals his wife Ann's need to swap the ardous Republican presidential campaign trail for her horses.

"She has Austrian warmbloods," says Mr Romney, "It's a dressage horse ... for the sport she's in."

"Me? I have a Missouri Fox Trotter. So mine's like a quarter horse, but just a much better gait - it moves very fast."

The behind-the-scenes clip was one of those leaked to media website Gawker on Tuesday.

Joe Muto, who had worked as an associate producer on commentator Bill O'Reilly's show at Fox, was revealed to be the 'mole' on Wednesday. He was immediately suspended by the news channel.

After being suspended, Mr Muto posted a picture of himself late on Wednesday afternoon inside Gawker's office saying "It's Me, Joe: The Fox Mole."

"They nailed me," Mr Muto wrote on the Gawker website. "In the end, it was the digital trail that gave me away. ... They couldn't prove it entirely, but I was pretty much the only suspect."


  1. What a man of the people. He really understands
    us. I feel so good about Mitt I think I'll name
    a few of my thoroughbreds after him. Well off
    to the stables.

  2. Yep. Hats off to Joe. I hope he realizes he'll "never work in this town again". At least he hasn't been treated like a national whistleblower(yet) and charged under the espionage act.

  3. At least he doesn't tie his horse to the roof of his car.

  4. And since I'm fire arm challenged perhaps my subordinates might catch the fox for me, incapacitate it and I'll then wring its neck.

    White gloves please!

  5. I hope we as Americans aren't DUMB enough to turn over the keys to the White House to this calloused DRIOD and his UBER rich buddies. If so, we will deserve what we get, the Corporate and Wall Street raping of 99% of Americans, only this time it will be the 2008 on steroids, with multiple rapings. In the words of George Carlin, "These rich bleep bleep, don't give a bleep about you, you don't belong to the club." When are we going to realize the 1% club see you a scum that isn't trusted to enter there gated communities to mow the 50 acre lawns. America, stop deluding yourselves Mitt's interest don't include you. He's rich your not, there is nothing else to discuss. That's the reality live with it!

  6. He's rich enough to afford horses. Every federal politician can afford horses.

    Don't judge him by his wealth but by his actions. Is he principled, does he tell you what he thinks you want to hear or not? Just about every politician has made a career out of running for office, check his voting record.

    Nevermind, the voting populace in general, are a bunch of uninformed idiots that vote based on soundbites fed to them by biased TV coverage. We've reached the mess we're in due to that fact.
