
May 09, 2012

10 Foods that keep you alert and energized

1. Scrambled eggs with red peppers:

This combination gives you energy from the protein in the eggs and also reduces stress. The acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that decreases stress, is available in the choline-rich eggs. Eggs contain a high level of protein which gives you a good boost of energy to start your day. This dish is also a "sustainable" energy source. That ensure that you don't get a huge boost of energy, only to crash a little while after.

2. Whole-grain toast:

Whole-grain toast can replenish your glycogen stores. Glycogen levels, if low, cause fatigue and a lack of energy. Whole grains also contain fiber. Fiber helps provide a solid, steady supply of energy all morning long.

3. Yerba Mate tea:

Yerba Mate tea, has nearly as much caffeine as a strong cup of coffee. It also contains theobromine and theophylline which are plant compounds that improves memory.

4.Banana smoothy:

Bananas are easily digestible carbohydrates that give you instant fuel. Blend a few into a smoothie and you will have loads of energy for the day.

5. Green tea:

Green tea contains stimulating caffeine and L-theanine, an amino acid that can boost alertness. Green tea has been used for years as a dietary supplement because of it's energy producing benefits.

6. Spinach:

Spinach is one of the vegetables that contain the most iron. Iron helps blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. Increased oxygen fights fatigue and brain fog.

7. Apples:

One apple contains about 4 grams of fiber. Fiber can be a great source of energy that stays with you for hours.

8. Strawberries:

Strawberries contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps you stay calm when you are feeling anxious, like when you are swamped with errands that you feel you cannot possibly finish in one day.

9.Pistachios and almonds:

These nuts are so full of protein that they will not only provide an energy boost, but the energy will last a long time. Be careful though about how many nuts you eat, because they are also very fattening.

10. Green beans, Kale and other green vegetables:

Green vegetables are loaded with fiber, which has energy boosting properties. Green vegetables also contain vitamins that are good for your memory and also helps decrease anxiety.

It is much healthier to eat nutritious food for energy and mental clarity than to fill your body with unknown energy supplements that could harm you over the long term. Eating the above vegetables can increase your energy and decrease your stress, while improving your mental clarity. Use these foods as part of a well-balanced diet and keep your energy levels at a level that ensures that you will get your chores, errands and work done and be less stressed and anxious too!

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