
August 31, 2012

10 diet foods that can make you fat


It’s marketed as a health food, is sold in health food stores and even looks remarkably healthy, so it must be a diet food, right? In the case of granola, sadly the answer is no. While granola is undoubtedly nutritious and full of fibre, it also contains high quantities of sugar and oil, making it extremely high in fat and calories. To help save your waistline, try eating granola in small portions or, better yet, switch to a lower fat sugar-free muesli which will deliver the same health benefits without the calories. Read more on Makeover your diet Top 10 worst fat traps Top 10 reasons why you’re not losing weight

It’s marketed as a health food, is sold in health food stores and even looks remarkably healthy, so it must be a diet food, right? In the case of granola, sadly the answer is no. While granola is undoubtedly nutritious and full of fibre, it also contains high quantities of sugar and oil, making it extremely high in fat and calories. To help save your waistline, try eating granola in small portions or, better yet, switch to a lower fat sugar-free muesli which will deliver the same health benefits without the calories.

Vegetable crisps
Many people view vegetable crisps as the “healthy” alternative to the potato variety. However, while some vegetable crisps contain slightly more fibre and vitamins than potato crisps, this is not always the case and the difference is generally very slight, with most of the vitamins derived from fresh veggies being lost in the process of making them into crisps. On top of this, vegetable crisps are often just as high in fat and calories as potato ones and contain just as much salt.

Hummus is often perceived as the perfect diet-friendly dip. However, while the healthy snack is undoubtedly nutritious, it is also packed with calories and fat from its principle ingredients of oil and tahini. Another dip for dieters to watch out for is guacamole which, while traditionally packed with nutrients and good fats, often contains calorie-laden double cream. While most dips can be eaten in moderation, if you want to splurge guilt-free go for a homemade tomato salsa which is packed with nutritious ingredients and is almost fat-free.

Diet drinks
Many of us turn to sugar-free versions of our favourite drinks to help stay trim, yet diet drinks may actually be causing you to pile on the pounds. Research by the Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio found that those who consumed diet drinks daily experienced a 70 per cent greater increase in waist circumference than those who drank none, while a previous study showed that obesity risk increased by 41 per cent for each diet drink consumed. A suggested reason for this is that artificial sweeteners trigger appetite, and they may also inhibit the brain cells that make you feel full.

Dried fruit
As with smoothies and juices, dried fruit has many beneficial properties and counts towards your daily intake of fruit. However, due to the concentration of sugars that occurs when fruit is dehydrated, it is also very high in calories and sugar when compared to the same amount of fresh fruit, and is much lower in fibre and nutrients. On top of this, many brands add sugar to dried fruit to improve the flavour, which boosts the calorie content even further.

As with smoothies and juices, dried fruit has many beneficial properties and counts towards your daily intake of fruit. However, due to the concentration of sugars that occurs when fruit is dehydrated, it is also very high in calories and sugar when compared to the same amount of fresh fruit, and is much lower in fibre and nutrients. On top of this, many brands add sugar to dried fruit to improve the flavour, which boosts the calorie content even further.

When eating out or buying food on the go, salads are generally presented as the “healthy option”. However, often this is not the case. While salads contain vegetables and other healthy ingredients, these are often buried under a layer of oily, sugary dressings which can be high in both fat and calories. Many salads do contain good fats that can help with weight loss (such as in the case of avocados and olive oil), yet this is not always so. Avoid those sneaky calories by drizzling your salads with a light dressing such as balsamic vinegar, or skipping the dressing entirely.

While soup can be the perfect weight loss food when prepared correctly, not all soups fall into the diet food category. In fact, many soups can rack up a significant amount of fat and calories, particularly those containing dairy products such as cream or cheese. On top of that, many soups are very high in salt, which can lead to bloating. To help stay trim and cut calories, try purchasing (or better yet, making your own) vegetable-based and cream-free soups.

Air-popped popcorn is a great nutritious, high-fibre and diet-friendly snack. However, when butter is added into the equation, the tasty snack can quickly lose its healthy credentials. Store-bought and cinema popcorn can be extremely high in fat and calories due to its liberal coating of butter and/or sugar, and is often also served in large quantities. Furthermore, as the TV-friendly snack is often eaten in front of a screen, we can easily consume far more than we intend to due to mindless snacking.

Juices and smoothies
When totting up our daily intake of calories, many of us forget to take into account those that come in liquid form. However, the drinks you consume throughout the day can vastly contribute to weight gain. While smoothies and juices count towards your daily intake of fruit (and swapping fry-ups for a morning smoothie would certainly do wonders for your waistline!) supplementing meals with these sugary fruit drinks could add hundreds of extra calories on to your daily intake. Smoothies and juices contain more sugar but less fibre than whole fruit, making fresh fruit a much better snacking option.

Cereal bars
Many of us believe that cereal bars are the perfect healthy snack and breakfast-on-the-go. However, most breakfast bars are packed with cane sugar and corn syrup, not to mention high levels of fat. In fact, despite their healthy image, cereal bars can contain as much fat, sugar and calories as an average chocolate bar, and can cause crashes in blood sugar levels which will leave you craving more food.


  1. Yet another in the long, long line of ridiculous articles about diet. Why don't ALL of you just crawl back behind your keyboards and let us all live in peace?

    1. "All things in moderation" Do as you will but learn self control first, that is when all these do and don't lists become truly meaningless.

    2. Sounds like another miserable fat person. Don't like the truth, don't read it.

    3. I personally like these articles. Even if I only get one nugget of information that I can use, it's worth it!

  2. To say no to oneself is counter cultural because everything around us is out to exploit us by trying to convince us that what they offer is delicious, nutricious and good for the waist line while they put the wool over our eyes by parading thin and smiling attractive young models. notice that nothing is said about all the added sugars, oils and who knows what else nothing is said about alternatives like low fat or fat free options that you can add fresh as you like it. Say no and put behind you all the exploiting propaganda and be your own person.

  3. To say no to all that sweets propaganda is a big first step in taking control of oneself and find ways to eat healthier, become aware of what is really good and what's hiding behind the propaganda that wants to brainwash you to the point where you just react like a robot doing, eating and drinking whatever that they put before your eyes.

  4. To say no to oneself is counter cultural because everything around us is out to exploit us by trying to convince us that what they offer is delicious, nutricious and good for the waist line while they put the wool over our eyes by parading thin and smiling attractive young models. notice that nothing is said about all the added sugars, oils and who knows what else nothing is said about alternatives like low fat or fat free options that you can add fresh as you like it. Say no and put behind you all the exploiting propaganda and be your own person.

  5. The next article will be about the "10 diet foods that can make you fat diet"!

  6. It appears the goal of this website is the starvation of man.

  7. Is this not false advertising? - Is this not endangering persons that are told to diet for health reasons? Where does the FDA stand on blatant lies? HONEST advertising on food products means in the long run saving on health Care and better health for the Customer - What do the Legals say are there any Legals with backbone capable of taking on the Food Industry???????

  8. Missed the article, but thanks for posting this great post of information!! Now I can be ready to share it too should anyone ask me about it :)

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