
August 16, 2012

Health Benefits Of Organic Food

What is Organic Food?

Food grains, vegetables and fruits that are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides fall under the category of organic food. It is basically a food that has not been mass produced. It is grown on special farms and marked by a trusted food board (different food boards across the globe).

Here are some undeniable benefits of organic food that should inspire you to buy these foods.

Health Benefits Of Organic Foods:

No Chemicals: Do you think that all the chemical fertilizers and pesticides used for growing your food gets washed away by water? Get a reality check. The chemicals stay within the vegetables, fruits and food grains. When you eat them, they enter your body and accumulate as toxins in your system thus making you ill. The main health benefit of organic food is that it is free from these harmful chemicals.

No Artificial Flavours Or Colours: Sometimes you see a sumptuous red apple that looks plump enough to bite into. But when you bite into it, it is not as delicious as it looked. This is because it is a fruit that has been pumped up with artificial colours and an injection of hydrogenated fats to make it look tempting. There is no such deception in eating health foods that is grown using organic methods.

No Hybrids: You shop regularly, you must have noticed an unfortunate trend these days. Fruits and vegetables are getting bigger but their quality is coming down. This is due to the use of hybrid seeds on a large scale. The benefits of organic food includes the total exclusion of inappropriate hybrid seeds for mass production of food.

Higher Nutrient Value: The percentage of vitamins and minerals is much higher in organic food as compared to normally grown foods. This is a simple calculation. When the percentage of added water, chemicals and flavours comes down, the percentage of nutrients will obviously increase.

An added benefit of organic food is that it is absolutely delicious. Food grown with purity and goodness will obviously taste better than the adulterated stuff we eat.

1 comment:

  1. Organic farming also uses much less energy than conventional agriculture, mostly because it doesn’t use nitrogen fertilizer.
