Diabetes is a disease that is rarely reversible. The worst part is that it is a progressively degenerative disease. The best you can do is to control diabetes before it starts damaging your organs. Some spices are good for diabetes management. These healthy spices give hope to Diabetics that they do not have to depend on insulin injections and sugar supplements in order to control their diabetes.
Here are a list of spices that are diabetes-friendly.Cinnamon: This is one of the best spices for diabetes control because it improves the glucose metabolism of the body. Diabetics basically have a problem with glucose metabolism because insulin production is reduced in the body. Cinnamon contains methyl hydroxy chalcon polymer that helps the cells of the body absorb sugar. Cinnamon powder is also used as a supplement for sugar in many desserts because it is sweet to taste.
Cloves: This spice has even more anti-inflammatory polyphenols than cinnamon. But it cannot be eaten in as much amounts as cinnamon, thus it stands second in the list of spices that help manage diabetes.
Cayenne Pepper: The first thing that gets affected by diabetes is your blood circulation. Blood circulation becomes sluggish and pushes the blood to the extremities of the bodies. Cayenne pepper contains capsian (responsible for the spiciness) that boosts blood circulation and thus manages this symptom of diabetes.
Sage: It is a commonly known fact that diabetes leads to degeneration of the brain cells. This eventually results in dementia and Alziemer's disease. Sage is a spice that manages diabetes by fighting dementia and regenerating the brain cells.
Turmeric: Turmeric also improves blood circulation and helps in maintaining an equilibrium in the body. Diabetes slows down your immune system, any kind of infection takes more time to heal when your blood sugar level is high. But turmeric with its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, helps people suffering from diabetes build their immunity. It is an indispensable spice for diabetes management.
Oregano: Oregano also helps improve your immune system because it is fungus busting. Just like Turmeric keeps bacterial and viral infections at bay, oregano is supposed to protect diabetics from fungal infections.
Garlic: Every one knows that garlic is heart healthy. It increases the pumping capacity of the heart. Diabetes is a hub of all diseases to come. It makes your blood pressure fluctuate and the smooth functioning of the heart too. That is why garlic as a spice that is very important for diabetics. It keeps their heart pump strongly and the blood circulation functioning normally.
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