
August 18, 2012

Superfoods To Fight Ageing

Ageing is a nightmare for every individual who crosses 30! Wrinkles are fine lines that appear on your face and neck (especially near eyes) and, these are clear signs of ageing. Well, the good news is, right choice of foods can make you fight ageing in a natural and healthy way. Let's check out few super foods that help you fight ageing. These foods will not stop ageing from coming on your face, but can delay it to a greater extent.

Super foods to fight ageing:

Blueberries: These berries are a super food that helps fight wrinkles. Blueberries contain anthocyanosides that prevents all age related health problems such as wrinkles, loss of vision, etc. Moreover, blueberries have 40% more antioxidants that can keep the skin healthy and glowing. This fruit is rich in vitamin C that strengthens collagen formation, thus reducing the signs of ageing.

Tomatoes: This is another super food that fights ageing. To prevent wrinkles from appearing on your face, have juicy and sour tomatoes regularly. Lycopene is a chemical in tomatoes that reduces the formation of fine lines that can make you look old. Lycopene also reduces skin cell damage and skin infections.

Fish oil: Do you know the beauty secret of coastal region women? Fish and fish oil is the hidden secret behind the glowing and tight skin of women in coastal regions. Cold water fish like salmon and tuna are a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acids that is essential for having a glowing skin free of wrinkles. Prefer distilled fish oil as they are healthy and less toxic.

Green Tea: This healthy drink has many benefits. Green tea is a beverage that improves digestion, aids weight loss and most importantly, reduces ageing. DNA damage is a core reason behind getting wrinkles. Green tea prevents the DNA damage, thus making you look young and beautiful. Have a cup of green tea regularly to avoid wrinkles, hair fall and weight gain!

Chocolates: If you love to eat chocolates only for its flavour, then let me tell you that this sweet is a super food that fights ageing. According to many studies, high-flavanoid cocoa beverage like chocolate milk increases the flow of blood in the skin tissues and cells. This increases the skin hydration, decreases roughness and formation of fine lines.

These are few super foods that fight ageing and stop it. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated as it is one of the best ways to stop ageing. Do you have more foods to add in the list?


  1. It was nice of you to share these foods. However, not all of us view aging as a "nightmare." The eternal youth syndrome is perpetrated by the media. It is good to stay healthy, but why is it necessary for everyone to look twenty? O Brave New World!
