
August 11, 2012

The FBI Thought Kim Dotcom Had a ‘Doomsday’ Device That Could Wipe Away All Evidence of Piracy

Do you know how the FBI justified the insane raid of Kim Dotcom's mansion? By saying that it suspected that Kim Dotcom had a 'doomsday' device that could "wipe out evidence of internet piracy around the world." No, seriously.

Grant Wormald, the detective inspector who oversaw the operation for the Organized and Financial Crime Agency (Ofcanz) said he was told by the FBI that Dotcom "carried a device with him to delete servers around the world". Apparently, the 'Doomsday' delete-all-servers device could have been triggered "in seconds" from any computer or phone on the property. Of course, no device was ever found in the raid but that didn't stop the feds from sending choppers and a crapton of officers more fit for a drug kingpin than an online pirate.


  1. In this upside down world we live in, the end justifies the means...

  2. David, in the world we live in, the means are the ends.
    Every excuse for one more imposition of tyranny is its own justification.

  3. In this world, there is no justice, only justification.
