
September 12, 2012

Silver and gold come from different stars that go supernova

Sil­ver and gold orig­i­nate in ex­plod­ing stars, but dif­fer­ent types of stars, new re­search sug­gests.

Phys­i­cist Ca­mil­la Han­sen of the Uni­vers­ity of Hei­del­berg in Ger­ma­ny and col­leagues reached the con­clu­sions af­ter mea­sure­ments of var­i­ous heavy stars. These in turn al­lowed for a re­con­struc­tion of how el­e­ments were formed with­in them. The re­search is pub­lished in the Sep­tem­ber issue of the jour­nal As­tron­o­my & As­t­ro­phys­ics.

All el­e­ments, ex­cept for a hand­ful of the light­est ones, are pro­duced in­side stars, ei­ther dur­ing their nor­mal lives or around the time of the ex­plo­sions that they un­dergo as they run out of fu­el. This pro­duc­tion of el­e­ments—in­clud­ing met­al­s—oc­curs be­cause the pro­cess that pro­vides en­er­gy for stars, called fu­sion, in­volves com­bin­ing light­er el­e­ments to make heav­i­er ones.

Each genera­t­ion of stars there­fore con­tri­butes a lit­tle to en­rich­ing the uni­verse with chem­i­cal el­e­ments. The el­e­ments a star can gen­er­ate in its life­time de­pend largely on its mass, or weight. At the end of their lives, stars about 10 times the size of our sun ex­plode as so-called su­per­novas, pro­duc­ing el­e­ments some­times heav­i­er than iron that are re­leased by the blast. De­pend­ing on how heavy the star orig­i­nally was, sil­ver and gold can al­so ma­te­ri­al­ize this way.

When equal-mass stars ex­plode, the rel­a­tive amount of the el­e­ments gen­er­ated and hurled out in­to space is iden­ti­cal, Han­sen ex­plained. This pat­tern con­tin­ues in sub­se­quent genera­t­ions of stars that form from the rem­nants of their pre­de­ces­sors.

But Han­sen and col­leagues’ in­ves­ti­ga­t­ions have al­so found that the amount of sil­ver in the stars meas­ured is inde­pendent of the amounts of oth­er heavy el­e­ments like gold. This means that dur­ing a su­per­no­va, or stel­lar ex­plo­sion, sil­ver arises through a dif­fer­ent fu­sion pro­cess from the one that forms gold, she ex­plained. Thus, the sci­en­tists con­tend that sil­ver can­not have orig­i­nated to­geth­er with gold; they must have ma­te­ri­al­ized from stars of dif­fer­ent weights.

Sil­ver and gold were found to­geth­er in the mea­sured stars only be­cause these are not the ac­tu­al stars of their or­i­gin, but lat­er genera­t­ions of stars that formed from their rem­nants, Han­sen ex­plained. The type of star meas­ured is “the de­scend­ant of the su­per­no­vae that ac­tu­ally cre­at­ed sil­ver (in one type of su­per­no­va) and gold at a dif­fer­ent site (e.g. a more mas­sive su­per­no­va or a merg­er even­t),” she wrote in an e­mail.

“The el­e­ments are cre­at­ed in (or just af­ter) the ex­plo­sion and sent in­to space. Here they then clump, cool and fol­low­ing form stars,” she added. The study metho­dol­ogy was not un­like “ge­netic­ally test­ing a ba­by to learn about the DNA of the par­ents.”

The sci­en­tists ar­gue that the types of ex­plo­sion that pro­duce sil­ver also pro­duce the pre­cious met­al pal­la­di­um, which is used for pur­poses in­clud­ing clean­ing up car ex­haust, elec­tron­ics ap­plica­t­ions and jew­el­ry.

“This is the first in­con­tro­vertible ev­i­dence for a spe­cial fu­sion pro­cess tak­ing place dur­ing the ex­plo­sion of a star,” said Han­sen. “Up to now this had been mere specula­t­ion. Af­ter this dis­cov­ery, we must now use sim­ula­t­ions of these pro­cesses in su­per­no­va ex­plo­sions to in­ves­t­i­gate more pre­cisely when the con­di­tions for the forma­t­ion of sil­ver are pre­s­ent. That way we can find out how heavy the stars were that could pro­duce sil­ver dur­ing their dra­mat­ic demise.”

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