
November 16, 2012

3 Reasons to Eat Organic

Three Reasons to Eat Organic:

Organic food tastes better. You might notice that organic produce is smaller and may not have as long a shelf life as conventional produce, but most people say organic tastes better. In order to have a long shelf life, conventional produce must be chemically altered or preserved, which affects the way it tastes. Eating organic is not only better for the planet, it will make your taste buds happy too!
Eating organic creates a more mindful relationship with your food: Many people find when they start eating organic that they think about their food more. They ask themselves questions like, “Where does my food come from? Who produced it? How will eating this effect the health and wellbeing of the planet?” Essentially, eating organic makes you more conscious of the relationship between you, your food, and the rest of the world.

Keep the antibiotics out of your food: National organic regulations prohibit the use of antibiotics in livestock farming, which keeps the  antibiotics you’re consuming through your food to a minimum. Many non-organic farmers give their animals antibiotics to protect them from disease, but scientists believe this practice is contributing to new antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” that threaten human health. By choosing organic options, you’re protecting the probiotics, or “healthy bacteria,” in your gut and keeping your immune system strong.

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