No 10. Avoiding Pre- And Post-Workout Meals To Enhance 'Fat Burn'
Think skipping your pre- and post-workout meal will help you burn fat
faster? You might want to reconsider. While it may seem logical, you
must remember that it's your total calorie balance at the end of the day
that matters.
Rather than denying your body the critical nutrients it needs at the
time it's least likely to convert them to body fat, cut calories at some
other point in the day when you just don’t need the energy. That will
be far more effective
No. 9 Eliminating Fruit Because Of The Sugar Content
Has fruit received the boot from your diet? If so, you need to add it back in, because you should know the truth about sugar. While it is true that fruit does contain sugar, it's natural fruit sugar and it won't spike blood-sugar levels like table sugar will.
More importantly, the fructose found in fruit will help to
re-saturate liver glycogen stores, and this is one of the deciding
factors as to whether your body releases energy or not.
No. 8 Believing Herbs Are Harmless Because They're Natural
Our next nutrition mistake is thinking that you can use herbs without caution. You think herbal remedies
are natural, so they must not pose any threat of side effects. But make
sure you do your research before you start using a particular herb.
No. 7 Thinking Calories Only Matter For Weight Maintenance
While it is true that the
amount of calories in your diet will determine whether you gain or lose
weight, remember that the type of calories you take in will determine
how easy it is to attain your desired calorie level. The more healthy foods you eat, the less you crave junk.
If you're eating nothing but junk food
or processed snack foods, you'll likely either go way overboard with
your calorie intake or have to battle with blood-sugar highs and crashes
all day long -- with the corresponding hunger that comes with them.
No. 6 Avoiding All Red Meat
If you’re a man on a diet
trying to really get lean, chances are good that you've eliminated red
meat. Don’t be so fast to cut it out. Red meat supplies a number of
important muscle-building nutrients that your body needs, including
iron, zinc and vitamin B12.
Simply choose leaner cuts such as sirloin steak, venison or other game meat, and watch your portion size.
No. 5 Relying On Your Classic Standbys
There’s no question that having a routine diet does help you maintain consistency with your eating habits, but don’t let the routine get so monotonous that you're facing serious dietary boredom.
If you very rarely switch up the foods you’re eating, not only are
you more likely to crave less-than-nutritious options, but you’re also
more likely to suffer from a nutritional deficiency as well.
Rotate a minimum of at least five dishes per meal throughout your monthly diet plan.
No. 4 Neglecting Spices
One serious place where
calories like to hide is in the condiments and sauces you’re using.
Whether it's the sauce in which you cook your stir-fry or the marinade
you use with your chicken, there’s a high chance it has too much
cooking oil, sugar or other added, unhealthy ingredients.
Instead, try and make use of herbs and spices. They offer many health properties and will add flavor without the calories.
No. 3 Downing Sports Drinks During Your Workout
Another mistake you might be
making is using sports drinks far too often during your workouts for
when you're dehydrated. Unless you're exercising for hours at a time,
you simply won't require the calories or electrolytes found in these
beverages. Water along with a good pre- and
meal will do the job perfectly.
No. 2 Relying On Multivitamins
Still can't stand the taste of most vegetables? If you've switched over completely to multivitamins and vitamin
supplements to cover your bases, you're not making the right move.
Multivitamins are meant to help fill nutritional gaps, not to serve as
complete substitutes. While there are benefits to making multivitamins a
part of your health regimen, you should get your nutrients directly
from the source.
No. 1 Believing Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Are Far Healthier Than Frozen
Many of us believe the only
way to reap the health benefits of fruits and vegetables is by eating
them fresh. The truth is, frozen vegetables can be just as nutritious
and can be a lot more convenient. If including frozen fruits and
vegetables in your diet means getting your daily intake, as opposed to
not, definitely opt to use them. They’re fast, easy and taste great.
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