
June 16, 2013

Drinks to Boost Your Metabolism

Around this time of year - that is, shorts and swimsuit season - you tend to see a lot of buzzwords for the body-conscious being thrown around in the food-writing arena. Things like "waistline-friendly" and "calorie-burning" and "metabolism-boosting." And why not? For those who've been hard at work at the gym getting ready for a warm-weather wardrobe, it seems only fitting to support a healthy lifestyle with a diet that works toward that same calorie-burning goal. 
As it pertains to food, this often means consuming metabolism-boosting dishes packed with so-called "warming" ingredients like chiles, ginger, and spices. But why not complete the equation with drinks that can also help give your metabolism a bump?  

 Some choices are obvious: Coffee, green tea, water - but did you know that if you drink any of those iced, you'll get even more metabolism-boosting benefits? According to Dr. Oz, "Iced drinks force your body to work to warm up, which burns more energy." Other great options come in the form of whole-fruit smoothies and juices, often accented with cinnamon, cloves, or fresh ginger. 

Grapefruit Juice 

Studies have shown grapefruit juice (and grapefruits in general, really) to be effective in boosting one's metabolism and contributing to weight loss. This is thought to be thanks to the fruit's apparent ability to reduce high insulin levels, helping one's body to better metabolize fat. A word of warning, however, to those on medication: the chemical components in the fruit have been found to inhibit the metabolism of certain drugs. 

Iced Green Tea or Coffee 

 Experts seem to be in agreement that the caffeine in coffee and green is an effective way to boost your metabolism. "Researchers credit the boost in metabolism to tea's catechins, but you probably need two cups a day to have any effect," says nutritionist Kelly Aronica. Why drink them iced? According to Dr. Oz, "Iced drinks force your body to work to warm up, which burns more energy." And as for the green tea, some might also recommend adding in lemon juice to mix, as it is also thought to help your metabolism function better.  

Ice Water 

 Water is arguably the most cost-effective and accessible beverage you can drink to help boost your metabolism. Studies have shown that dehydration, even in small degrees, can contribute to the slowing of your metabolism, so make sure you're not skimping on water throughout the day. Better yet, as with the coffee and green tea, drink your water icy cold to help force your body to burn more energy.  

Apricot Zinger 

Looking for a more waistline-friendly choice to make at cocktail hour? This refreshing apricot "mocktail" calls for an agave-based simple syrup made with fresh ginger - an ingredient which has metabolism-boosting compounds capsaicin, piperine, and gingerols. As if that wasn't enough, the drink also features ground cloves, another "warming" spice. 

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