“The simple truth is this: During my first deployment, I was made to participate in things, the enormity of which is hard to describe. War crimes, crimes against humanity.” Those are the words of Daniel Somers, according to a letter posted at Gawker.
Somers served in Joint Special Operations Command in a unit in Mosul from 2006-2007. He ran the Northern Iraq Intelligence Center and was a senior analyst for Levant, which oversaw operations in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel and part of Turkey.
Prior to that, the short biography attached to the letter he wrote indicates he was a part of an intelligence unit called Task Force Lightning. The unit was a Tactical Human-Intelligence Team (THT) in Baghdad, Iraq. He was a “machine gunner in the turret of a Humvee” and “ran more than 400 combat missions.” He also “interviewed countless Iraqis ranging from concerned citizens to community leaders and and government officials, and interrogated dozens of insurgents and terrorist suspects.”
On June 10, 2013, he committed suicide because he could not continue to live with what he did while deployed. He also—from reading the letter—had his own health issues that he could not get the Veterans Affairs Department to help him treat.
The letter shows he was anguished by his role in war crimes: “Though I did not participate willingly, and made what I thought was my best effort to stop these events, there are some things that a person simply can not come back from.”
Yet, he adds, “I take some pride in that, actually, as to move on in life after being part of such a thing would be the mark of a sociopath in my mind. These things go far beyond what most are even aware of.”
He comments on having to be a part of a coverup of these war crimes.
“To force me to do these things and then participate in the ensuing coverup is more than any government has the right to demand,” he declares. “Then, the same government has turned around and abandoned me. They offer no help, and actively block the pursuit of gaining outside help via their corrupt agents at the DEA. Any blame rests with them.”
No specific war crimes are recounted in the letter, however, it is clear from reading it that he would not be writing it if he had not witnessed or been a part of some atrocities.
Somers is conscious of the fact that a high number of veterans like him are killing themselves each day and that he is about to become a part of that statistic.
“Is it any wonder then that the latest figures show 22 veterans killing themselves each day?” he asks. “That is more veterans than children killed at Sandy Hook, every single day. Where are the huge policy initiatives? Why isn’t the president standing with those families at the state of the union? Perhaps because we were not killed by a single lunatic, but rather by his own system of dehumanization, neglect, and indifference.”
Obviously, Somers is not another tally mark to put on a chalkboard to indicate how many veterans have died from suicide this year. He is a human being who was given orders to kill and at least some who died never should have been killed.
As a member of THT, he would have likely been involved in identifying high value targets who were killed or captured. If captured, they were detained and likely abused or tortured, especially when they were interrogated. They may have been tortured by US soldiers or Iraqi forces. Either way, it likely would have had an impact on him.
Redeploying and working with JSOC would have opened up possibilities of being a participant in more heinous acts.
For example, in Dirty Wars, journalist Jeremy Scahill recounts a night raid in Gardez, Afghanistan, where soldiers kill five innocent people, including three women, two who were pregnant, and an Afghan police commander named Mohammed Daoud. When they realized they committed a war crime, they tried to cover it up by digging the bullets out of the people they had just killed.
Somers could have easily witnessed something similar while working in the Northern Iraq Intelligence Center.
There is immense relief expressed by Somers that he has finally arrived at the moment where he will kill himself. After explaining how much he has tried to cope, he writes:
I am left with basically nothing. Too trapped in a war to be at peace, too damaged to be at war. Abandoned by those who would take the easy route, and a liability to those who stick it out—and thus deserve better. So you see, not only am I better off dead, but the world is better without me in it.
A person who has not been in war is not in a position to second guess the decision Somers made. They do not know and cannot begin to know what he was going through.
The United States is in a state of perpetual war. Those who suffer can either fight and feel as if they are warriors in a battle of good versus evil or they can struggle and suffer, as they respond to the remorse and guilt they are feeling for their actions.
Since society does not want to help the soldiers who are suffering but reject the role they played, it is additionally traumatic for veterans like Somers. So, they ultimately come to the decision that it is better to die than spend each day trying to survive and get better.
Word should be spread to these younger people to not join the military regardless of WHAT they've been promised, because it is all a lie.
ReplyDeleteAs a Vietnam veteran, I do my best. Most people just don't want to hear about it. They're busy watching the boob tube.
Delete...I served in the Canadian Navy (1978-83) as a "marine-naval" electrician(TQ5) and I demobilised, my training was not good enough,nor was it recognised by the Ontario (Canada) trade licensing board (apprenticeship board) and I had to do my apprenticeship all over again! Good luck finding an electrical contractor who will teach electrical skills! Don't join the US or Canadian militaries for learing a trade-go to technical college instead! Don't waste your time!
DeleteShow this letter to anyone thinking of or suspected of thinking of joining up in any fashion with our despotic rulers, and Mr. Somers life will not have been in vain.
ReplyDeleteTalmud = TERRORISM
No GOG & MAGOG {ashkenazim} so-called "JEWS" came from Palestine. EVER.
A group of American business and political leaders are building a pro-Israel media "war room" in Washington, D.C. The group will be called "Emet"—which in Hebrew means "truth." Emet will try to address biased media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and also make the case that the conflict, while serious and important, pales in comparison to the larger geo-strategic threat posed to the United States and the West by Iran and Iraq, both of whom are trying to build and/or acquire weapons of mass destruction. Funding Emet is Leonard Abramson; he sold U.S. Healthcare to Aetna in the mid-1990s for $8.9 billion. Abramson has recruited a powerful board of directors, including Bernie Marcus, founder of Home Depot; Les Wexner, founder of The Limited; Edgar Bronfman Sr., who once owned Seagram's; and Lou Ranieri, a major Wall Street player who now co-owns one of Israel's largest banks. Also joining the board are Jeane Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, and Jack Kemp.
... Would you like to see all the lies go into the ovens of TRUTH
Tricked by ISRAEL into fighting THEIR enemies. Israel and it's TRAITOR MOLES did 9/11. Google it.
ReplyDeleteYou can say that again, Goliath; the photos of the "dancing Israelis" are evidence the Mossad played a major role in 9/11.
DeleteIs not the Mossad's motto "By Deception We Shall Wage War"? Ex-Mossad Operative Viktor Ostrovsky mentioned that.
Stop with all the "tricked and victimized" ideas, boys. Really tired of it, particularly in our current culture of voluntary service.
ReplyDeleteYou signed up. You pay the consequences. Any true warrior knows that and, after the fact, THEY DO NOT WHINE about it. No warrior does, if they have exercised true and intense DISCERNMENT about what they are signing up for. All of you do it for the $$ and the re-upping fees (100K ain't bad, kids) and then, when you suffer the consequences, you want to throw yourselves at our feet as poor, helpless and "used" people. That makes you a dumb soldier, NOT a warrior.
You all signed up to become trained murderers. And that is what you are. Nothing more and nothing less.
So, guys, deal with your own stupid decisions and live with it, but don't expect me to feel sorry for you, you nimrods. Nor give you my sympathies nor money. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, every single one of you.
Nobody "makes" you pull that trigger - you did that with your own fingers. Those are the consequences of what you decided to do. So shut up already. You all disgust me to no end. And I DO NOT support you. Not one whit.
Scum traitors like you should be shot. It's because of people like me that p*ssies like you have the freedom to spew your anti-American filth.
DeleteYou Fuck, The large majority of people who enlist do so b/c no other viable option is left on the table for them to provide form themselves or their families. Look around.. where are all the jobs from the 80's and early 90's? Shipped over seas thats where. The further our nation slips the greater these 3rd would cess pools become b/c we gave them our wealth by manufacturing a loong time ago. How can you sit there and troll and belittle these poor souls who gave it their all and had their own VA turn their backs on them. You SIR or MAM deserve to be dropped in the middle of a double max rapist cell block with your hands bound you fuck.
DeleteMr. Anonymous you have lost all compassion for life. How very sad.
DeleteWhat a weak p*ssy... With women like this serving in the military no wonder we are being defeated by our enemies. I served in Iraq and I loved slaughtering Muslims. I recognized them for the barbaric savages that they are and showed no mercy. I've been back 6 years and run a great business and sleep like a baby knowing I killed dozens of vermin who hate America.
ReplyDeleteYou are disgusting piece of shit.. if the Muslims attack the USA.. I hope they find you and cut your throat in your sleep, after they shove a pipe and some wire up your arse..
DeleteRot in hell
And now Kerry, a Vietnam vet talks about the Rule of Law.
ReplyDeleteIf the US really believes in the Rule of Law it would free Manning and prosecute the murderers in the helicopters who shot and killed innocent Iraqis and it would prosecute the NSA chief for illegal spying on US citizens and violating the 4th Amendment, and not charge Snowden, the whistleblower with espionage,
If the US believes in the Rule of Law it would not have invaded Iraq based on lies or put Muslim suspects in Guantanamo Bay prison without due process or use drones to kill innocent women and children in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Kerry should go back to school to learn the meaning of The Rule of Law.