
July 15, 2013

6 Ways The Farmers' Market Makes You Fat

Avoid these fat traps

Most shoppers head to the farmers' market with the very best healthy shopping intentions. After all, this time of year, that's where you'll find the best-tasting local and in-season fruits and vegetables that every good diet should be based on. But that isn't all you'll get there. Farmers' markets attract you to their stalls with breads, baked goods, and other treats that can take on a bit of health halo next to all that spinach and broccoli and fresh fruit. Other food vendors flock to the scene to cash in on the crowd. And what at first seems like an innocent way to stock up on healthy fare can end up being a diet disaster. Here are six farmers' market fat traps and better ways to indulge instead.

1. Artisanal cheese

It doesn't matter how grass-fed and organic those cows and sheep the milk came from are. Most cheese has at least 100 calories per ounce. Cheddar—an artisan cheese maker favorite—has about 6 grams of saturated fat per ounce as well. And face it: When it comes to delicious, creamy, local cheese, you probably aren't carefully portioning a single ounce. Proceed with caution.

2. Fresh bread

Fresh bread is practically irresistible, especially when sold by the friendly flour-dusted bakers who made it right in your neighborhood. But these breads aren't necessarily any better for you than what you find in the supermarket. And in some cases, they may be worse due to extra fats and sweeteners like honey that make them so wonderful tasting. Always ask the vendor to list the ingredients if they aren't on the bag, and try to stick to the same rules you follow at the store: 100% whole grain and low or no sugar.

3. Fresh lemonade

The outdoor market is hot during the summer and fresh-squeezed lemonade seems like the refreshing sip that will complete your farmers' market experience. If you wouldn't down a sugary beverage while strolling the aisles at the supermarket (and we know you wouldn't), why would you bend the rules here? The proximity of fresh veggies does not somehow remove the empty calories of lemonade. Drink water instead.

4. "Healthy" muffins

How unhealthy can it be if you can see the oats and nuts in it? Pretty unhealthy, thanks to ample amounts of sugar and fat. Muffins are simply cupcakes minus frosting, and don't let the farmers lull you into a forgetful food trance. Usually muffins sold by bakeries (and farmers, too) are oversize calorie and sugar delivery systems. Drop the muffin, and buy another bunch of kale. 

5. Gourmet food trucks

As the food truck trend has taken hold across the country, many vendors have taken advantage of the large foodie audience that the farmers' market provides. Some use produce from the markets, but many do not. And it's a rare food truck that specializes in light and healthy fare. The trend is definitely toward greasy tacos and other fattening street foods. A better bet: Make a delicious salad at home from all the good produce you've bought.

6. Charcuterie samples

Plenty of small farmers are making their own terrines, sausage, and bacon these days, and the quality, price, and calorie count of these goodies tend to be sky-high. The charcuterie slingers may try to lure you with free samples. But those little bites come loaded with saturated fat and calories you shouldn't ignore. And remember, tasting does not obligate you to buy.

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