
July 12, 2013

Judge texts a Texas state prosecutor during a trial in an attempt to help the state's case

A Polk County District Court Judge has admitted in a letter to the Texas State Bar that she acted improperly while serving as an Assistant District Attorney.
Local 2 Investigates obtained a copy of the April 29, 2013 letter signed by Kaycee L. Jones, 411th Judicial District Judge.
The crux of the issue is a series of text messages Jones received from Elizabeth Coker, 258th Judicial District Judge, while Coker was on the bench during a trial. 
Judges are not supposed to transmit secret information to either the prosecution or the defense during a trial.
Part of the letter signed by Jones reads:
"On August 8, 2012, I did receive a text message from Judge Coker that suggested a line of questioning in an Injury to a Child trial over which she was presiding and telling me to tell the trial prosecutor. I was not the trial prosecutor and had nothing  to do with the investigation or prosecution of the case, but I was present in the courtroom for portions of the trial as an observer. When I received the text, I hand wrote the text verbatim and asked our investigator to deliver it to the prosecutor who was trying the case...
I deeply regret that I acted in this manner. It was wrong and I knew better."
The defendant was found not guilty, but citizens, professors, and the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association have raised questions about the incident and whether it has occurred before or since the 2012 incident.
In addition to the complaint  against Jones, filed  with the State Bar Association  by a local attorney, Local 2 Investigates has learned that Polk County District Court Judge Elizabeth Coker's actions are being reviewed by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.

1 comment:

  1. polk county residentOctober 24, 2013 at 9:50 PM

    Judge coker has also ruined my families life. She sentenced my 37 year old brother 99 years for allegedly sexually abusing his own daughter. There was no evidence presented that he committed this crime that he was accused of and the examiner that examined the child stated in court that the child had not been touched. But yet her and Lee Hon can ruin someone's life behind false accusations. On top of that the whole court proceedings were unethical. For instance all during the trial there were jokes and laughter going on from Coker as well as the district attorney (Lee Hon). Another thing that took place that I was uncertain about was the fact that my brother asked for another attorney instead of the present court appointed lawyer and she told my parents that the only way that he could change lawyers is if a new lawyer is present before the trial the next day. I don't give credit to Karma, I give all credit to God because he said in his word that "you will reap what you sow." In my opinion Coker was able to get off easy but her judgement day is coming and she will have to answer to the almighty God for all of the many lives in Polk County, San Jacinto County, Trinity County, and other counties that she have destroyed behind her coruptness!!!
