
September 11, 2013

Eat Smart: 5 Foods that Actually Help You Burn Fat

While trying to lose weight is often a reason not to eat food, what if we told you that eating certain types of food can help you lose weight, too? 

Most people view food as the enemy when they're dieting, always thinking of the weight they might gain because of a food's high calorie count or the amount of fat it has, but dieting doesn't always have to be about abstinence. Rather than just avoiding certain foods because of their high fat content, it's important to consider some foods because of their proactive qualities or because of how they can affect your body in positive ways when it comes to dieting. 

Dr. Sue Decotiis, M.D., a medical weight-loss specialist based out of New York City, works with her patients to outline what foods can help them lose weight, rather than what foods they should avoid. Decotiis has helped hundreds of patients shed excess pounds and keep them off by providing them with meal plans made up of natural and healthy foods that work to their advantage. Foods such as peppers, mustard greens, egg whites, and berries all have nutritious properties that can help you increase calorie burn, decrease appetite, and enhance your sense of fullness after eating, so the more you eat of them, the better. 
Decotiis explains that she recommends some foods because of their thermogenic qualities, which help increase caloric burn in the body. But in addition to those foods, other foods work more indirectly, by improving the body's ability to burn fat by enhancing digestion, reducing inflammation, and balancing intestinal bacteria. By consuming foods that help you build a good source of intestinal bacteria, your body will be able to produce a satiety hormone that works with the brain to turn off its hunger sensation. 

Are you ready to start shedding some pounds? If so, don't turn your back on food. It can be your best-kept secret when it comes to burning fat.  

Heart-Healthy Fats 

Healthy fats are considered a great tool for losing weight because they help satisfy your appetite by slowing the emptying of food from the stomach and allowing you to feel fuller, sooner. Foods such as nuts and seeds, avocado, and oils such as canola and safflower are the best choices for incorporating healthy fats into your diet. 


Your spice cabinet will now be looked to for more than just flavor. Different spices can help you lose weight in different ways. Cinnamon helps control blood sugar levels and therefore decreases the amount of insulin that is produced, while turmeric's bright yellow polyphenol compound has many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are optimal for weight loss. Remember that compound known as capsaicin that is found in hot pepper? Ginger has this compound, too. 

Low-Fat Dairy 

Low-fat dairy foods such as Greek yogurt, mozzarella, and cottage cheese contain very little carbohydrates and a large amount of good bacteria that help promote a healthy gut, which in turns promotes satiety and healthy digestion. Because they're also great sources for calcium and vitamin D, they help breakdown and release fats more efficiently, as well. 


Herbs such as ginseng and basil are known for their abilities to increase metabolic rates. They are also low in fat and pungent, which will help you feel full and keep your taste buds occupied so that you won't eat more than you need. Adding herbs to grilled fish, salads, and poultry is an easy way to not just make a flavorful meal, but to make it a fat-burning one, too. As an added bonus, you're also getting a lot of valuable antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. 

Nuts are a great food source for optimal health, and they help you burn fat, too. A relatively high-calorie food, they are very satiating and contain omega fatty acids, which help balance gut bacteria and lower cholesterol. Convenient because they can be eaten on the go and added to many different types of dishes like salads and vegetables, they're an easy way to incorporate a fat-burning food into your daily diet. Decotiis recommends stocking up on pistachios and almonds, which are considered to be on the lower to middle end of the of calorie count scale. 

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