
October 22, 2013

8 Ways To Lower Your Heart Disease Risk Today

Even if you are already at risk for heart disease, you can improve your heart health and reduce your risk factors. Because these factors are often related, a change in just one area can positively impact others. Losing weight, for example, makes it easier to keep blood pressure down and diabetes in check. 
Having a healthy heart takes some effort, but it's well within your reach. Take an active role in keeping your heart beating at a healthy pace by following these eight steps:  
1. Improve your cholesterol levels. The higher your blood cholesterol level, the higher your risk for heart disease. Follow a diet low in saturated fat to reduce your cholesterol levels.
2. Quit smoking. Smokers are twice as likely to suffer heart attacks as non-smokers and they are more likely to die as a result. Smoking also increases your risk of having a stroke. Women who both smoke and take oral contraceptives are at particularly high risk for heart disease and stroke.
3. Control high blood pressure. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is the number one heart disease risk factor in the United States today. Nearly 50 million people suffer from high blood pressure. Medications to control blood pressure can be highly effective and they are safe and easy to take.
4. Exercise. People who don't exercise have an increased risk of heart disease compared with people who do even moderate amounts of physical activity. Leading a sedentary life is simply unhealthy. Work to increase your physical activity and you will lower your risk of heart disease as well as other illnesses.
5. Keep diabetes under control. Diabetes can lead to many health problems, including heart attacks. It's critical to properly manage diabetes under the care of a physician.
6. Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight causes additional strain on your heart, making people who are overweight more likely to develop heart disease. Being overweight also influences other risk factors, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
7. Limit alcohol consumption. Women who consume on average more than one drink per day and men who consume more than two drinks per day increase their risk of heart disease. People who binge drink are at particularly high risk.
8. Manage your stress. Uncontrolled stress and anger can lead to heart disease. There are stress and anger management techniques that can be very effective in lowering your stress level and, therefore, your risk for developing heart disease. Talk with your doctor about how you can incorporate these techniques into your daily routine.

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