
November 18, 2013

5 Things Your Hair Can Say About Your Health

The secret to shiny, thick and strong hair isn’t always found in the right product. Our hair, like the rest of our body, needs the right conditions to really thrive. Read on to check out what common hair problems can tell you about what’s going on in the rest of your body.

1. Dry, Brittle and Breaking Hair.
It’s not just too much coloring, blow drying and styling that can lead to dry and brittle hair; the culprit can also be what is — and isn’t — on your plate. The secret to shiny, healthy, and growing hair is little more than a well-balanced diet, with plenty of vitamins and minerals. Iron, Vitamin E, and plenty of protein are particularly important for maintaining a healthy head of hair. 

2. Dandruff.
Though dandruff can certainly be the result of dry skin and conditions that cause dry skin like psoriasis and eczema, the most common cause of dandruff is actually skin that is too oily. Though some of these are genetic, a poor diet heavy in fat and sugar and low in zinc and Vitamin B can also be a factor. Stress, a weak immune system, neurological disorders like Parkinson’s Disease and even not washing your hair enough can all lead to the development of dandruff. 

3. Dry, Limp and Thin Hair.
Has the texture and the body of your hair changed significantly? Uncharacteristically limp and thin hair could be the result of an under-active thyroid. Check with your doctor if you experience this or other symptoms, like weight gain and fatigue.  

4. Graying Hair.
People have long connected gray hair with stress. While science can’t fully back that up yet, there is some research that connects premature graying to stress levels in people that are genetically predisposed to gray hair. Though it’s always a good idea to seek out help from professionals if you are concerned about your stress levels, for the most part, graying hair says very, very little about your health. 

5. Balding and Hair Loss
Most men don’t need to worry about their health when it comes to hair loss — about 90 percent of male baldness is just the genetic straw you drew. Hormones can play a big factor for women since menopause and pregnancy can both trigger hair loss.  Weight loss and eating disorders can also lead to shedding hair. Thyroid issues, stress, certain medications and,  of course, chemotherapy can also be the culprit.
But, as you might expect, your diet can also play a major factor: not getting enough iron, protein and getting too much Vitamin A are all possible causes of hair loss. 

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