
November 05, 2014

Atheist Group Sues University Of North Georgia Over 9/11 Ceremony With 'Christian God'

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) has filed a lawsuit against the University of North Georgia (UNG) because the school allegedly held a mandatory 9/11 memorial service that invoked the "Christian god."

According to, the MRFF sent a letter this month to UNG President Bonita Jacobs that stated, "MRFF was notified that at the UNG Corps of Cadets 9/11 mandatory memorial service, an invocation was issued invoking the Christian god, religious messages were included during the body of the service, and a benediction was rendered again to the monotheistic patriarchal god of choice of the Catholic Campus Ministry. This was not an optional religious formation.
“This letter is to notify you of our intent to remediate recurring issues at the University of North Georgia surrounding violations of the Establishment Clause of the US Constitution," added the MRFF. reports that university President Bonita Jacobs stated in a letter to the MRFF: “The Corps of Cadets did not sponsor the event, but rather it was sponsored by the Student Government Association.”

Jacobs claims that cadets were told of the 9/11 memorial service, which was optional.
"Simply hearing another pray burdens no one," Brett Harvey, of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian law firm, told Campus Reform. "Limiting the way a person is able to pray suppresses religious freedom. True freedom permits a prayer giver to choose for themselves how to pray, while permitting those to hear it the liberty to agree, disagree, or disregard." 

1 comment:

  1. "Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around."
