
November 30, 2014

This cartoon PERFECTLY explains the rioter mentality in Ferguson

The rioters had been waiting for days. It’s like they couldn’t wait to have a “legitimate” reason to flip police cars, start fires, break windows and destroy public property in their own community.

Evidently, the jury decision warrants the community to act like complete animals. They flip police cars, destroy businesses and threaten lives and call it “racial justice.” They wail about oppression while systematically destroying their own community.
The truth is, the rioters in Ferguson are their own worst enemy. Of course it’s awful for anyone to lose a loved one. And if the grand jury heard testimonies contrary to Officer Wilson’s and did nothing, it would be an injustice. But the facts the witnesses presented to the grand jury supported Wilson’s recount, and now the only reason this is even a headline is because this was a white police officer and a black teenager. Now, the rioters are looking beyond the facts and only focusing on skin color.
Race-baiters are quick to blame Brown’s fate on racial inequality. Our president perpetuates the same idea over and over. But this isn’t about racial inequality or ethnic tensions. This isn’t about discrimination. This is about the destruction of the black nuclear family. Fathers aren’t there for their children. Mothers have children with multiple men. There’s no accountability for growing boys. No one has to take responsibility for his or her actions. They say “the man” is keeping them down. Children in these urban cities are taught that they were wronged and that society owes them.
There’s a lack of respect. There’s an entitlement mentality, pushed by a culture of greed, hate and disrespect.
They’re mad at “the man” for keeping them down. Meanwhile, they trash their own city and ruin lives to console themselves, and then get angry when someone speaks out against their actions.


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