
December 01, 2014

Artist Brilliantly Illustrates What Amnesty Applied to Other Life Situations Might Look Like

What if breaking into someone’s house was treated like breaking into the country?
What should our immigration policy be?
Is it OK to reward someone whose first action upon entering the country was to break our laws?
Do we have a border problem or do we have a welfare state problem?

Is it fair to all the people who came here legally to grant amnesty to those that didn’t come here legally?
Are people who come here illegally illegal immigrants, or undocumented guests/undocumented workers?


  1. Fucking racist idiot ! The US military is spending over half a million dollars a minute on war and pillaging but thats OK with you motherfuckers. But let a Mexican kid get a free school lunch and you Nazi bastards are all up in arms..... are NO artist and there is nothing"brilliant" about your trailer trash KKK bullshit. Get over yourself, retard.

  2. What nuthouse let doug and Vic out without their medicines? People with working brains should read this:
