Your skin is the largest and most important organ known to your body. It has a tough job filtering toxins that you are exposed to as you move a bout your day. Smog, UV rays, and second hand smoke are just a few of examples. Your skin also works to hold moisture in your body so you don’t become dehydrated. Skin protects your blood and organs from germs to keep you healthy, and it even protects your bones and muscles from damage when you happen to bump into things or sit out in the sun too long. Because your skin protects every single part of your body, it only makes sense to take good care of it.
Taking care of your skin results in more than just good health, it also does a good job of making you look young and healthy. These delicious eight foods below will make your skin glow from the inside out.
Here’s how to easily incorporate them into your eating plan:
Avocados are filled with antioxidants like lutein and beta carotene, which help to soften the skin and keep it looking supple. Blend avocados with orange juice and garlic to make salad dressings, stir it up with a little cumin and cilantro to make an easy dip, and add it to plant-based alfredo sauce for an extra creamy texture.
The high vitamin content and abundance of tannins in pomegranates promotes food all around health, and they promote smooth skin that is free of fine lines. Juiced pomegranates are super tasty when combined with greens. The juice can be enjoyed as is or blended in smoothies. Pomegranate seeds are awesome in salad too.
Thank to all the B vitamins found in walnuts, you can count on them to act as a natural anti-aging tool for your skin. Their oil works great as a moisturizer too. Just pour a little on a cotton ball or right in the palm of your hand and give yourself a rub down. Make your own anti-aging taco meat by pulsing walnuts with a little soy sauce, garlic, cumin, and lemon juice in your food processor. Walnuts are also delicious blended or stirred into both raw and cooked soups.
Tomatoes contain an excellent source of lycopene, which may just help protect your skin from sun damage so it stays smooth and young looking as you age. To activate the lycopene benefits of your tomatoes, it’s important to cook them a little. Simmer them in a soup or bake a few to blend into a luxurious tomato hummus. You can also kick your salsa up a notch by fire roasting a few tomatoes to add to your fresh salsa mix.
You have seen kale touted as an antioxidant king no doubt, but do you know that’s it a skin care queen too? The abundance of vitamin A found in kale promotes proper skin cell growth and helps to keep your skin fresh and alive. Wilt your kale in a bath of lemon juice, garlic salt, and jerk seasoning for a fantastic side dish, or juice it with your favorite fruits.
The nutrient rich kiwi contains high amounts of vitamin E, which is a natural skin moisturizer and rejuvenator. Delicate kiwi is also an excellent source of dietary fiber that aids in ridding the body of toxins. Juice kiwi, add it to a fruit salad, or dice it up and top your salads with it. Kiwi is also excellent paired with strawberries and coconut whipped cream for dessert!
Bright pumpkins have it all – vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Potassium and vitamins A and Eare just a handful of key players when it comes to pumpkins benefiting your skin health. Pumpkincan be eaten in pie of course, but it is also tremendously tasty spiralized for pasta dishes, and pureed into soups and dips. Try dehydrating pumpkin chips for a fun afternoon snack.
Bell Peppers
Bell peppers contain tons of vitamin C that fights free radicals and keeps skin looking youthful. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that keep you from looking bloated, which always is a score. Use bell peppers are crudités paired with hummus or a roasted sweet pepper dip. Stuff your favorite colored bell peppers with quinoa, wild rice, or even stuffing – talk about yum.
You’ll be amazed at your glow when these foods play a recurring role in your meal plans. Keep things fresh and exciting by incorporating new spices every time you build a meal around your favorite healthy skin promoting foods.
Good to know!