
July 22, 2015

The 41 Companies That Donate Directly to Planned Parenthood Will Shock You

 After two undercover videos were released allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted fetal body parts, Republicans in Congress are working at stripping Planned Parenthood of its federal funding.
However, it’s not only the government that funds the leading abortion provider.

According to 2nd Vote, a website that tracks the flow of money from consumers to political causes, over 25% of Planned Parenthood’s $1.3-billion annual revenue comes from private donations — which includes corporate contributions.
The website uncovered more than three dozen corporations and organizations that directly contribute to the group. The companies that didn’t donate directly matched employee gifts.
Here are the 41 companies that have directly funded Planned Parenthood.
1. Adobe
2. American Cancer Society
3. American Express
4. AT&T
5. Avon
6. Bank of America
7. Bath & Body Works
8. Ben & Jerry’s
9. Clorox
10. Coca-Cola
11. Converse
12. Deutsche Bank
13. Dockers
14. Energizer
15. Expedia
16. ExxonMobil
17. Fannie Mae
18. Ford
19. Groupon
20. Intuit
21. Johnson & Johnson
22. La Senza
23. Levi Strauss
24. Liberty Mutual
25. Macy’s
26. March of Dimes
27. Microsoft
28. Morgan Stanley
29. Nike
30. Oracle
31. PepsiCo
32. Pfizer
33. Progressive
34. Starbucks
35. Susan G. Komen
36. Tostitos
37. Unilever
38. United Way
39. Verizon
40. Wells Fargo
41. Xerox
Planned Parenthood has recently came under heavy fire after the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life organization, released two undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood discuss selling intact organs of aborted babies for a profit with actors portrayed as potential buyers.

The first video, released last week, showed Planned Parenthood senior executive Dr. Deborah Nucatola meeting with the “potential buyers” to discuss the sale of aborted baby body parts with Nucatola over lunch.
In the second video, released Tuesday, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood’s medical directors council, is seen negotiating the price of aborted fetal body parts and joking about buying a Lamborghini with the money she would receive from selling the body parts.
But will any of this truly be enough to stop these giant companies from funding the murder of babies and illegal sale of their body parts?
Should conservatives boycott these companies?


  1. These same companies donate to several more things that are not in the best interest of mankind, some of which will end up being your demise.

  2. Well, I see I will not be buying new Levi jeans and I'll buy generic bleach. The ATT is a problem as that is my phone, but It's not difficult to boycott.

  3. I'm sure they know the history...

  4. ....if you really wanted to examine this from the fascist, corporate side of the would have to ask...why in the world is March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, and United Way contributing money to anything? Are they not out soliciting contributions from donars for their various causes? Why would they then be funneling funds into a different corporation? And Fannie Mae? Who knows what that is about?

  5. Gosh, I'm feeling pretty smug right now for already not doing business with a single one of those companies. But that's easy when you're boycotting the entire stinking corrupt corpocracy! Trust me, there is life after consumerism. Take the leap, it doesn't hurt. Nothing will bring down this system faster than not doing business with it.
