
June 13, 2012

A 16-year-old girl weighing just 23lbs and unable to talk or walk was admitted to hospital in Chicago after being starved by her mother.

Darlene Armstrong, who has cerebral palsy, measured just 3'10 when admitted to Comer Children's Hospital at the University of Chicago in March.

 An investigation by the Chicago Tribune has revealed that she could have been rescued four months earlier if Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) had followed due procedure.

 On November 17 DCFS received a phone call alerting them to Darlene's condition but the investigator could not find Darlene at the family's home and did not follow further procedures to locate the child.

 Whilst the investigator went to the home within the required 24 hours, DCFS procedure dictates that they must return every day until they locate the child.

 The investigator visited the house on three occasions without seeing the 16-year-old. It was not until a fourth visit on March 14th that the investigator heard whimpering and found the skeletal girl.

Her mother, Rosetta Harris, 50, pleaded guilty to endangering the life of a child and was sentenced to 18 months of probation and ordered to undergo parenting classes.

 She had no previous criminal record.

 Darlene is now in La Rapida Children's Hospital and will eventually go to a nursing facility for long term care.

 Further investigation by the Chicago Tribune has confirmed that Darlene was taken into custody in 1996 as a 1-year old after calls alerted DCFS that she was not being fed regularly.

1 comment:

  1. Why is the mother not being sent to JAIL!? This is awful!
