
June 17, 2012

Cows genetically modified to produce healthier milk

Scientists have created cows that have been genetically modified to produce milk which is healthier for humans.

In two separate breakthroughs, researchers have revealed that they have successfully created a calf whose milk could be drunk by people suffering from lactose intolerance and a second animal whose milk contains high levels of "healthy" fat found in fish.

The cows are part of a growing effort by scientists to make food and drink products from livestock healthier by genetically altering the animals.

The work, however, is likely to inflame the debate about GM foods. Critics of the technology have reacted angrily to the research and questioned the safety of milk from genetically modified animals.

It comes just a year after Chinese scientists revealed they had successfully introduced human genes into 300 dairy cows to produce milk with the same properties as human breast milk.

In the latest research, geneticists were able to introduce a gene which causes lactose, the main sugar in dairy products, to break down into other types of sugar that are more easily digestible by humans.

People who are lactose intolerant lack the ability to digest milk properly and can cause stomach problems in sufferers.

The calf, which has been named Lucks by researchers, was born two months ago and is expected to start producing low-lactose milk once it gives birth to offspring itself at around 25 months old.

The scientists behind the development hope to create herds of low-lactose cows that would eventually produce new types of dairy products to be sold in shops in between five to ten years time.

Dr Zhou Huanmin, director of the Key State Laboratory for Bio-manufacturing at the Inner Mongolia University where the cow was created, said: "Ordinary milk contains lactose, while milk produced by our modified cow will have relatively low content of lactose, or even have no lactose.

"Most people suffer the lactose intolerance in varying degree. We are attempting to breed a dairy cow that produce low lactose milk for supplying the market. We hope to commercialise it in the future."

In the UK around five per cent of people are lactose intolerant, but in some parts of Africa and Asia up to 90 per cent of the population do not have the ability to digest milk.

To create the low lactose cow, the scientists injected genes from bacteria-like organisms known as archaea into cells from cow embryos using the technique used to clone Dolly the Sheep.

They created 14 embryos and implanted them into the wombs of surrogate cows. Five calves were born in April this year and three were found to carry the genes needed to create low-lactose milk, although two of them died within 24 hours of birth.

The scientists said Lucks, a modified Holstein dairy cow, was "healthy and strong". They will conduct tests on her milk once she starts lactating to assess exactly how much lactose the milk contains.

In a separate study, published in the journal of Transgenic Research, another group of scientists at the Inner Mongolia University have created a genetically modified cow that has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in its milk.

Normally found in fish oil and nuts, omega 3 fatty acids are thought to be important for human health by helping to protect against heart disease and playing a role in brain function.

Dr Guang-Peng Li and his team at the Key Laboratory for Mammalian Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology at the Inner Mongolia University, using cloning technology to introduce a gene from roundworm into cow embryos.

The genetically modified cow was then allowed to mature and give birth to its own offspring before tests were conducted on its milk.

The researchers found the milk contained nearly four times as much omega-3 fatty acids compared to milk from an ordinary cow. It also contained half the amount of unhealthy omega-6 unsaturated fat, which have been linked to cancer and heart disease.

Dr Li explained that mammals do not naturally have the ability to make omega 3 fatty acids nor convert the less healthy omega 6 unsaturated fat into healthier forms.

He said: "Our results indicate that transgenic domestic animals can produce meat and milk enriched in n-3 fatty acids, which can probably become an efficient and economical approach to meet the increasing demand for omega three polyunsaturated fatty acids."

The research has, however, raised concerns from animal rights campaign groups and critics of GM technology.

Wendy Higgins, from the Humane Society International, said: "This simply isn't a morally responsible direction for farming to be heading in.

"Genetic modification of animals has an almost unique capacity to cause suffering and the welfare impacts on the animals produced can be both unpredictable and severe.

"The history of GM research tells us that the unseen cost will be animals born with unexpected and lethal deformities such as tumours, brain defects, deformed limbs and arthritis."

Dr Helen Wallace, director of Genewatch, added: "There is a question of food safety with GM livestock.

"As with all GM technology, there is a potential for unintended consequences as it is interfering with the natural biological production pathways of milk, so it could effect other nutrients or even have harmful effects."


    As for the milk article....cows are not to be altered with human genes. God destined everythig to reproduce after its own kind. Cows used to live 25 years and did not start to calf until 2 or 3 years. Now it is the first year, and they are done and gone in 8 years. Add in the early gestation of the cows, the GMO corn and alphala and there is no doubt why so many are ill.

  2. I wonder why God created a cow which gives milk that causes cancer and heart disease? Maybe he made a mistake in this area. Here I believed that God, who is All Perfect, All-Knowing, All-Wise, knew that the cow and the milk it produced, would be healthy for the human race that He created. It is a good thing that scientists came along to correct that mistake.

  3. That's messed up.

  4. God gave us a perfect world with perfect food for us to be healthy...why do "these people" think "they" can improve what is already perfect?
