
January 10, 2013

Benefits Of Drinking Sugarcane Juice

  Sugarcane is a field crop, and to many ignorant of its characteristics, its facade is surprisingly that of a tall grass. Though it is a perennial grass, upon closer evaluation of the sugarcane stalk, it resembles more with that of bamboo: talk, thick and strong. The only difference with that of bamboo is it contains sugar, though not the refines white powdery element we all know. Mere sucking or chewing of the stalk can extract sugarcane juice but for bulk extraction, a machine or industrial juicer requires to be used.

Raw sugar vs. Refined Sugar
The raw version of sugar is sugarcane juice which actually is good for the body because of its nutrients and mineral contains. On the other hand, refined sugar doesn’t have any mineral or nutrient contains. Refining of the sugar is similar to the bleaching process of wheat flour. Refines sugar are nothing more than pure carbohydrates and doesn’t have any other nutrient value an during the refinement procedure other unwanted chemicals such as phosphoric acid, formic acid and sulfur dioxide gets attached to the sugar crystals.

Sugarcane juice has relatively low glycemic index thus drinking sugarcane juice regularly regulates the body metabolism and it also helps in maintenance of body weight. A tablespoon of sugarcane juice contains just eleven calories. Sugarcane juice is highly nutritious and enriched with natural vitamins and minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium and phosphorous. Being an alkalizing substance, drinking sugarcane juice is favorable in fighting cancer and there have been studies concluding the benefits of drinking sugarcane juice in effectively fighting prostate and breast cancer cells. Another health benefit of drinking sugarcane juice is it’s invaluably favorable for re hydration and revitalizing of the body because of its high amount of carbohydrates and proteins.
Drinking sugarcane juice also is beneficial to functioning of the inner organs including the heart, brains, kidney.
Even diabetic patients can enjoy sugarcane juice as it doesn’t contain any refined sugar.

Treats jaundice: Sugarcane juice is a natural medicine to cure jaundice. Jaundice is the yellow pigmentation in the skin and membranes that are caused by the presence of billirubin in the blood. Poor liver functioning and blocked bile ducts are the causes of jaundice. To speed recovery, have two glasses of fresh sugarcane juice with lime and salt. 
 Infections: Several infections like dysuira, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases and inflammation in the stomach (digestive tract) or heart can be cured with a glass of sugarcane juice. 
Kidney stones: This is one of the most effective health benefits of sugarcane juice. Kidney stones are commonly formed due to dehydration and constant drinking of water helps break down the stones in the kidneys. Drink lots of fluids and also have sugarcane juice as it breaks down the stones or dissolves them.
 Good for diabetics: Sugarcane is healthy for diabetics as it contains no simple sugar. It is a better alternative for raw sugar or artificial sweeteners. So, if you are on weight loss diet or diabetic, have sugarcane juice. The juice's benefits by keeping the blood glucose levels balanced.
 Nutritional benefits: Sugarcane has a bank of vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. The juice of sugarcane is rich in phosphorous, iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium to name a few. Studies have shown that sugarcane juice can help recover the loss of vitamins that happens due to febrile disorders like fever. 
Cold, flu and sore throat healer: If you think that juices can be harmful for a sore throat or cold then you are wrong. Sugarcane juice helps cure sore throat, cold and flu.
 Prevents cancer: Due to its alkaline nature, sugarcane juice prevents cancer, especially prostrate, colon, lung or breast cancer.

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