
January 15, 2015

Pope Francis on Freedom of Speech: 'One Cannot Make Fun of Faith'

    Pontiff defends freedom of speech en route to the Philippines but says ‘you cannot insult the faith of others’

    Pope Francis has said there are limits to freedom of expression and that following the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris “one cannot make fun of faith”.
    On a plane from Sri Lanka to the Philippines, the largest Catholic majority country in Asia, the pope said freedom of speech was a fundamental human right but “every religion has its dignity”.
    Asked about the attack that killed 12 people at the offices of Charlie Hebdo – targeted because it had printed depictions of the prophet Muhammad – he said: “One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith.
    “There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity … in freedom of expression there are limits.”
    He gestured to Alberto Gasparri, who organises papal trips and was standing by his side, and added: “If my good friend Dr Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punch. It’s normal. It’s normal. You cannot provoke. You cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”
    Cautioning against provocation he said the right to liberty of expression came with the obligation to speak for “the common good”.
    The pontiff also said he was convinced that global warming was “mostly” man-made and that man had “slapped nature in the face”. He expressed the hope that the upcoming Vatican encyclical – the most authoritative documents a pope can issue – on the environment, would encourage negotiators at the United Nations climate change conference in Paris in November to make courageous decisions to protect God’s creation.
    Francis is due to meet survivors of typhoon Haiyan, which the Philippine government has said was an example of the extreme weather conditions caused by global warming.
    “I don’t know if [human activity] is the only cause, but mostly, in great part, it is man who has slapped nature in the face,” he said. “We have in a sense taken over nature.”
    Francis, who has been critical of a “culture of waste” since he became pope, said the mass cultivation of single crops and deforestation had been over-exploited.
    “I think we have exploited nature too much,” he said. “Thanks be to God that today there are voices, so many people who are speaking out about it.”
    Francis has thrown the Catholic church into the fight to combat climate change since becoming pope and has said that the Vatican’s encyclical on ecology would be released by June or July, in order to give people plenty of time to digest the material before the next round of climate change negotiations. The last round in Peru failed to reach an agreement.
    “The meetings in Peru were nothing much, I was disappointed,” he said. “There was a lack of courage. They stopped at a certain point. We hope that in Paris the representatives have more courage to go forward.”


    1. Mr. Pope: Your faith is a joke. You're a moron for believing it. Your god is a piece of trash. My free speech overrides your feelings, and if you or someone like you feel sufficiently "provoked" by it you can expect to have force met with force.

    2. faith in what? horus? or the obelisk CALIGULA put in the heart of the vatican that still stands today?

      caligula, known for raping the "sons and daughters" of his citizens. hmmm yes hmmm

    3. Popes are funny ....
