
January 18, 2015

Too rich to get sick? - It is a strange first-world irony that wealthier, better-educated parents are the ones reducing infant vaccination rates, said Zahn. “Many people in this country have never seen a case of measles,” he said. “We’re a victim of our own success.”

Travel north to south in Orange County, a coastal strip of 34 cities in southern California which includes Disneyland, and the growing size and opulence of the houses show people getting richer.
Trawl medical records, and you notice something else: children getting fewer vaccinations.
“The rate of immunisation falls as you go north to south. It tracks the socio-economic statistics in the county,” said Matt Zahn, medical director of Epidemiology and Assessment for the Orange County Health Care Agency.
At Capistrano Unified school district, for instance, there was a 9.5% rate of children not fully vaccinated because of parents’ beliefs. At the nearby, poorer Santa Ana Unified district, in contrast, only 0.2% of kindergartners had exemptions on file.
A measles outbreak at Disneyland, stemming from an unvaccinated young woman dubbed patient zero, has shone a light on such dichotomies. Officials have confirmed at least 32 cases, almost all of them unvaccinated.
It is a strange first-world irony that wealthier, better-educated parents are the ones reducing infant vaccination rates, said Zahn. “Many people in this country have never seen a case of measles,” he said. “We’re a victim of our own success.”
The outbreak has triggered recrimination towards an eclectic group of activists who are accused of sabotaging immunisation campaigns by peddling medical myths.
“If we get to a few thousand cases in this country we’ll start seeing deaths. That’s unconscionable,” said Paul Offit, chief of infectious diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Patient zero became sick and contagious on 28 December, while at Disneyland. She flew to Snohomish County in Washington state for a few days, then returned to Orange County on 3 January. Health officials announced the outbreak on 7 January.
Her proximity to crowds at the theme park and airports and on planes helped spread the the extremely contagious virus: state health departments in Colorado, Utah and Washington have confirmed cases.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls measles, a virus that lives in the nose and throat, the “most deadly of all childhood rash/fever illnesses”. About 90% of those who are not immune will become infected if they come close to an infected person, according to the CDC.
An estimated 20 million people worldwide contract measles each year. In the US, the CDC typically expects only 220 cases. Last year there were 644, a nearly two-decade high.
Measles vaccines are said to be 99% effective but anti-vaccine sentiment is growing in the US, especially in wealthy areas. In California more than 150 schools have exemption rates of 8% or higher for at least one vaccine. All are in areas with incomes averaging $94,500, nearly 60% higher than the county median, according to a Los Angeles Times study last year.
The virus’s relatively low prevalence in the US has emboldened parents to eliminate or delay children’s vaccinations, said Zahn, because they assume the risk of infection is negligible thanks to widespread vaccinations. “You’re riding on the immunisation rates in your community,” he said.
If enough parents do it, the system breaks down. But increasing numbers appear to be doing so over concerns about vaccine safety.
A debunked and withdrawn 1998 Lancet report linking vaccines to autism still lingers in some parents’ minds along with other worries, such as overloading a child’s immune system with multiple, simultaneous vaccinations – a concern lacking scientific basis, said Zahn.
“It’s a grab-bag of issues,” he said.

High-profile opponents of existing protocols include the actor Jenny McCarthy, the non-profit National Vaccine Information Center and an Orange County doctor, Bob Sears, who is famous for authoring The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child, which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies since 2007.
Sears declined an interview request for this article but directed the Guardian to a Facebook blog in which he played down the gravity of the latest outbreak, saying complications from measles were treatable and that the risk of fatalities in the US was close to zero.
Officials needlessly fanned anxiety about measles by giving “just the part of the truth that they want you to believe”, he wrote. “Don’t let anyone tell you you should live in fear of it. Let’s handle it calmly and without fear or blame.”
Offit, who battled a measles epidemic in Philadelphia in 1991, accused Sears of recklessness, ignorance and doing harm.
“In an ideal world, which this is not, he would be censured by the Californian medical state licensing board, by a medical ethics board, by the American Academy of Pediatrics,” he said. “I find it unconscionable that a man in his position puts out incorrect information about measles.”
Offit assailed Sears in a 2009 article for the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics.


  1. What a piece of propaganda. Attacking 'educated' people'? Really? Where do you even start to debunk this rubbish?

    The MSM always ties outbreaks to the unvaccinated BUT, after the initial SHOCK reports have been put out it's later discovered that it's the 'vaccinated' who have come down with the disease almost 9 to 1 unvaccinated, suggesting it's actually the vaccinated who, have been inject with all these viruses, spreading them. Which is EXACTLY what we are seeing now with this years flu vaccine.

    Claims that vaccines are 99% effective for preventing disease is an absolutely unsubstantiated claim. Where the USA has been a "victim of our own success" comes in the forms know to have stopped disease for over 5000 years that is... infrastructure, BORDER CONTROL and nutrition. All the diseases the vaccine lobby love to claim vaccines wiped out were well under control when all the above were put into place here in USA BEFORE many of these vaccines were developed. This includes polio which was greatly spread by the vaccine. Polio has not only NOT been eradicated to date but, polio has increased from three wild strains into about ten different strains 'reclassified' under different names like Aseptic Meningitis. Bill Gates is personally responsible for creating an almost weaponized form of 'super polio' that severely crippled over 65 thousand children in India

    The vaccine manufactures themselves admit vaccines are largely ineffective. Big pharma pushed the idea (after they could NOT be taken into court of law, post 1986) that in order for vaccines to 'work' one has to take multiple injections of the vaccine, which is great for big pharma profits but, bad news for the child that have to get jacked over and over with a slew of heavy metals, chemicals and stealth viruses. If the vaccine is developed in China where oversight has been eliminated you'll NEVER KNOW what exactly is in your vaccine,

    This idea that in order for vaccines to actually work, one has to get multiple injections, is completely off the reservation from what the public was sold vaccines were supposed to be defined as, a one and done 'cure'. When I was of vaccine age in the early 1970's in elementary school (NO they did NOT give babies vaccines let alone multiple doses of them back them) we kids got a handful of shots and that was it. One and done.

    One and done vaccination in the early 1970's flies against the logic of today's vaccine pushers who, like this article, is trying to propagandize and fear monger the illogic of 'heard immunity' by vaccination. By claiming vaccines are NOT effective unless a child gets multiple doses means that NONE of us children in the 1970's were 'immunized' by todays vaccine manufactures recommendations. There is a very big problem here for the vaccine pushers and their claims of heard immunity. There were absolutely ZERO epidemics reported by any health agency during those years. WHY? because the sales pitch, the marketing of vaccines is that a 'one and done' vaccine schedule wiped out all the diseases they were vaccinating for.

    What the public is kept in the dark about are the debates in the science community about over vaccination giving rise to super diseases like what they are seeing with the over use of antibiotics. Except for those gosh darn educated people. They know.

    It doesn't surprise me that the big pharma vaccine lobbies would start demonizing 'education' for the down fall of their poison called vaccines. Between all the damage vaccines and their schedules have wrecked on society people have been 'forced' to look where their doctors dare not look, that is under the hood where they have discovered that much of the studies which have been put out by vaccine manufactures has been rigged and is fraudulent.

  2. Vaccines are the leading cause of Autism.

    U.S. cases of Autism: 1 in 68.
    1 in 100,000 before widespread vaccinations.

    Amish rate of Autism: 1 in 15,000. Low rate of vaccinations.

    South Korean cases of Autism: 1 in 38

    India has 8 million children with Autism since widespread vaccinations.

    Countries that do not vaccinate their children: The rate is so low as to be statistically 0.

    Many vaccines contain mercury and aluminum. The mercury damages the brain on contact.

    You do not have to vaccinate your children. You can sign a waiver at school. The school or government may try to use scare tactics to get you to vaccinate your child but you can sign a waiver and opt out. It's a myth that vaccinations are compulsory. If you do vaccinate your child, you're playing Russian Roulette with your child's health. Don't pump mercury and aluminum into your child's brain. The consequences can be horrific.

    "Oh my God, I did not believe we did what we did, but we did. It's all there...This is the lowest point in my career, that I went along with that paper. I have great shame now when I meet families of kids with autism, because I have been part of the problem." - Dr William Thompson, Senior CDC Scientist and CDC whistleblower.
    Re: Fraudulent study on MMR vaccine

    “The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination” – Dr. Robert Bell, fmr VP International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital.

    "When the conspirators get ready to take over the United States they will use fluoridated water and vaccines to change people's attitudes and loyalties and make them docile, apathetic, unconcerned and groggy. According to their own writings and the means they have already confessedly employed, the conspirators have deliberately planned and developed methods to mentally deteriorate, morally debase, and completely enslave the masses. They will prepare vaccines containing drugs that will completely change people. Secret Communist plans for conquering America were adopted in 1914 and published in 1953. These plans called for compulsory vaccination with vaccines containing change agent drugs. They also plan on using disease germs, fluoridation and vaccinations to weaken the people and reduce the population." (Impact of Science on Society, by Bertrand Russell)

  3. excuse me while I go vomit. This propaganda piece has made me I'll. Maybe they have created a vaccination that prevents us from contracting stupidity and believing such trash as this.

  4. I love conspiracy theorists that DON'T provide the least scrap of proof of your rant.
