For decades American politicians of both parties have been hand-wringing and nay-saying about why a fence on the border with Mexico won’t work.
Saudi Arabia is having no such qualms in their efforts to keep ISIS terrorists out of their country. The sheikhs are putting up a triple layer fence; the 600-mile long structure is on its common border with Iraq, and they’re starting another 1,000-mile wall on their Yemeni border.
Complete with guard towers and mobile action teams to respond to the threat, the only thing it’s missing is a piranha-filled moat.
Capturing the Saudi oil fields as well as Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina is an ISIS objective in creating its worldwide caliphate, according to IJ Review.
Over 3,400 people are being trained to man the structure, said. The fence, started last September, consists of “78 monitoring towers, eight command centers, 10 mobile surveillance vehicles, 32 rapid-response centers, and three rapid intervention squads, all linked by a fiber-optic communications network.”
Compared to this complexity, the American effort to construct a fence to keep out illegals via Mexico seems more than a bit soft. That’s something no one can accuse Saudi Arabia of. The kingdom’s religious mullahs recently sentenced an online blogger there to 1,000 lashes for insulting Islam.
The sentence, which has sparked international outrage, is being reviewed by the country’s Supreme Court, VOA News said.
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