Townhall gives 5 ways America is creating a generation of wimps:
1) Ban “Bossy:” This is the hot new idea on the “Left.” Apparently if we “ban” the word “bossy,” little girls will all grow up to be decisive leaders or something. Of course, if being called “bossy” is enough to dissuade a little girl from being a leader, she probably isn’t cut out to be a leader in the first place. It doesn’t matter if it’s online, in Hollywood, at your local PTA, or in school; if you lead or gain a little status, someone will immediately start to undercut you. Typically, the words used are a lot less benign than “bossy,” too. Sarah Palin knows a little something about being hit with abuse for being successful and as she would say, either “buck up or stay in the truck.”
2) Microaggressions: This is a bit of popular silliness that has taken off on college campuses. Basically, since liberals are having trouble finding any overt racism to complain about, the general idea is supposed to be that someone is committing a “microaggression” against you by denying that he’s a racist, sexist, or even just by annoying a minority in some way. In fact, including microaggressions in this column counts as a “microaggression.” In other words, the idea is supposed to be whiny losers always have some “ism” to be aggrieved over every time they feel bad, which is pretty much all the time because that’s what life as a whiny loser is like.3) Trigger Warnings: This is another bit of wackiness that has taken off on college campuses and I’ll just use the Urban dictionary definition of it since it’s as good as any other,Used to alert people when an internet post, book, article, picture, video, audio clip, or some other media could potentially cause extremely negative reactions (such as post-traumatic flashbacks or self-harm) due to its content. Sometimes abbreviated as “TW.”Translation: instead of encouraging people to talk to a friend, get therapy, or just get over whatever is bothering them, it’s everyone else’s responsibility to warn others that they might be saying something that could trouble the legions of easily offended left-wing groups out there. Try that at your job some time and see what your boss says about it — and don’t expect a trigger warning before you get fired. Life is not only full of unpleasantness, it’s full of things that remind you of that unpleasantness. Part of leaving childhood behind and becoming an adult is dealing with that fact.
4) Zero Tolerance Gun Policies at Schools: After Columbine, it’s understandable that schools might be on the alert for weapons at school, but they’ve cranked things up to Salem-Witch-Trial levels of hysteria. There are kids who’ve been suspended for saying the word “gun,” chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun or in the latest case, there’s a girl being threatened with expulsion for having a razor blade in her possession for as long as it took to get it away from a kid who was trying to cut his wrists. Every man should at least know his way around a gun; firearms benefit women even more since they’re unlikely to be able to outfight a man who wants to beat, rape or murder them. How does teaching kids to turn into a jellied mass of quivering fear because some kid chewed a gun into a Pop Tart square with the importance of knowing how to use firearms for adults?
5) The Self-Esteem Movement: There is actually a basic formula for building self-esteem. You find something you have talent at, you work at it, your ability is recognized and you feel better about yourself. However, we’ve moved past that formula and may have become the first society in history to almost entirely disconnect self-esteem from accomplishment. It’s debatable whether our schools should be focusing on building the self-esteem of kids at all, but we certainly shouldn’t be teaching every kid that he’s a special little sunflower, regardless of whether he’s done anything to earn it. Yes, God thinks all of His kids are special, but the rest of us generally aren’t impressed with someone who has nothing going for him other than the fact that he exists and his teacher says nice things about him. The world doesn’t owe you a living, you’re not special just because your teacher didn’t mark your papers with red ink, and the harsh truth is that the world values you for what you bring to the table, not because your life has been one long series of participation trophies.
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