We’ve seen 3D printers being used to make everything from houses to organs. It proves that 3D printers have the potential to democratize how we make everything, for better or worse. Depending on how you feel about the subject, the next 3D printing marvel could be one or the other.
A member from the gun forum AR15 thinks he may have created and successfully tested the first 3D printed firearm. He used a Stratasys 3D printer from the mid-90s to create a .22 pistol. He claims to have fired over 200 rounds from the 3D printed marvel and it still works fine. Here’s what it looks like:
After this successful field test, he took it to the next level. He attached a .223 upper to the 3D printed lower. The experiment proved to be a success yet again. This time, however, he ran into some feed and extraction issues with the upper.All of this is to say that you can now print your own gun if you so wish. The blueprints for guns are available on 3D printing resource Web sites now. While this experiment turned out successful, I would suggest that only gunsmith experts only try this. One mistake and the gun could explode in your hand. Plastic isn’t exactly the greatest material to make guns out of and there could be problems.
Despite how you feel about guns, it’s still amazing to see how versatile 3D printers have become. The fact that 3D printers from the 90s can do this is even more amazing. The resources used to make a gun with a 3D printer are probably a fraction of the cost a gun at a sporting goods store would cost.