There are certain vegetables that are not only healthy, but even their peels are healthy. So, think twice before throwing away any vegetable peel. Drop you peeler and get a new taste of nutrients with the peels of certain healthy vegetables. Of course, not all vegetable peels are healthy and can be eaten. But, remember that it is very essential to wash them thoroughly before eating.
Potatoes- Potato skins are very healthy as they are an ample source of vitamins, soluble fibers and minerals. They are so rich in the nutrients mentioned before that 1-2 potato peels can provide you with your body's daily requirement of these nutrients. They are also rich in fiber, that is an essential requirement for a clear bowel movement. A research has even showed that a single potato peel can provide you with more vitamin C than oranges. So, consider to include this healthy vegetable peel in your diet next time.It is very easy to have the peel of healthy vegetables as such. Wash the potatoes finely and then chop and fry without peeling them.
Cucumbers- It is essential for almost all salad recipes. They are extremely low in calories and an ideal food for those who want to go on a diet. But did you know that the peel of this vegetable is healthy too? It is not only a rich source of dietary fiber, but it also provides protection against colon cancer in a natural way. Simply cut the cucumber into slices along with the peel. It is barely going to affect its taste.
Pumpkin And Squash- Almost all vegetables of the squash family have peels that are rich in zinc. It is extremely good for maintaining a healthy skin and nails. The beat-carotene in the peels of these healthy vegetables protects us against heart diseases and cancer. It might be difficult to cook and digest the peels as it is. Take off the skin partly so that you can cook them easily.
Beets- An extremely colorful vegetables that are excellent sources of phytonutrients and antioxidants. They also have great anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties. And it is also not very difficult to have it along with the peel as it does not alter the taste of the vegetable at all. You may either cook it or have it raw.
Brinjal/ Eggplant- This pretty purple vegetable is a powerhouse of antioxidants. And that is why you should always choose the purple breed over others. Cut it into slices along with the peel and then make a curry out of it. This is both tasty and nutritious.