
September 23, 2012

15 Hunger-Fighting Foods

Hunger sometimes has much to do with emotions and comforting, rather than true stomach hunger.
It has to do with what others are eating and what time of day it is. Hunger many times is just triggered by the setting of being somewhere or doing something. Smell is a very strong hunger trigger. So with all of these false signals telling you to eat, what do you do? 

  1. Veggie and fruit trays are wonderful. They look pretty and cost no more than a big fast food meal. Whether you want to cut up your own fruits and vegetables or buy them precut at the store, they are an easy to grab snack that will fix either a sweet or a salt tooth.
  1. Nut butters are satisfying and quick. They really last as far as a hunger fighter goes. Most are full of healthy fats, protein, and convenient.
  1. Oatmeal is a soothing food.
  1. Whole grain cereal is a great sweet snack that is crunchy and rich with fiber and b vitamins.  Be sure that the ingredients say whole grain _____ first and do not list enriched ingredients.

  2. Fat free milk
  4. Yogurt is a sweet dessert like treat .

  5. Whole grain breads, crackers, and pastas are great bases for sandwiches, snacks, or your favorite Italian cuisine. Whole grains provide fiber and don't digest quickly so you stay full longer.

  6. Tomato juice and sauce  Both ingredients can be used to make soups, pasta sauces and more.

  7. 100% pure fruit juices make a sweet drink mixed when with sparkling water. It's a great to have a mocktail. Sometimes a cool fruity drink just hits the spot.

  8. Popcorn is a wholegrain snack that you can make in either healthy oil on the stovetop, as I do, or air pop. Either way, it is yummy and takes a long time to eat.

  9. My favorite hunger fighting snack is an apple with melted peanut butter as dip. The mix of sweet and salty together really crushes cravings.

  10. Almonds are a simple fast snack that can last you for awhile. Almonds are full of healthy fats and fiber.

  11. Cinnamon adds antioxidants and a spicy sweet flavor.  It is really filling and soothing before bed.
  12. Kidney beans are fiber packed and easy to whip into a salad with no fat. Just add some of your favorite vinegar and seasonings to a can of drained kidney beans and you are ready to go.

  13. Most fruits are very filling and keep the calorie count down. They will definitely satisfy a sweet tooth. Keep a list of what is in season and when. Then try all the new seasonal fruits you never thought to try before.

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