
September 09, 2012

How Do Mobile Phones Affect our Brain?

There are always two aspects to the same thing, one positive and one negative. But what if the negative aspects of a particular thing are far more than the positive? What do you think you must do then? A mobile phone is very useful as it helps you communicate with people in many awkward situation and places. But at the same time there are many health hazards of mobile phone usage. Mobile radiation adversely affects the brain. Let, us see how.

Toxins- Excessive use of mobile phones breaks the safety barrier in the blood stream. This in turn results in the release of harmful toxins into the human brain. The blood brain barrier is formed by the endothelial cells lining inside the blood vessels of the brain. An overuse of mobile phones leads to the formation of a gap between these cells. The toxic substances in the blood can affect the neurons in the brain. Such conditions might even cause cerebral oedema (water retention in the brain).

Cancer- There is a rising debate on whether mobile radiation can cause severe damage in the structure of brain cells. The heat and radiation produced by the mobile phone causes a change in some chemicals in the brain cells. This might or might not prove to be harmful. But, researches show that if you talk over the phone for more than 50 minutes or so this results in a much higher rate of brain metabolism. As a mobile significantly affects the brain function it is better to avoid using it for too long a time.

Impairs Memory- Do you know the electro-magnetic field that is created by a mobile phone radiation may impair our memory. That is why it is always suggested to keep the antennae away from your brain while you are talking over a mobile phone. It has been proved that the frequencies produced by a mobile phone hinders with the memory and the ability to remember.

Headache and Fatigue- Mobile significantly affects health conditions of a human being. The radiations produced by a mobile phone affects the brain. Over usage of a mobile affects the brain cells so much that you might even have a headache or suffer from fatigue after a long call. The radio waves that are emitted by a mobile puts stress on the brain cells and thus is extremely harmful.

All of the above are the reasons as to how a mobile phone affects the brain. It is thus advisable not to use it for too long or else it might cause significant and irreversible brain damage.