
October 05, 2012

6 Facts About Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates or carbs are energy providing nutrients that are required by the body. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates easily convert into glucose (a form of sugar that produces energy in the body). When the food gets digested, the glucose spreads all across the body through blood and convert into energy. However, excessive consumption of carbs can be unhealthy for the body. Lets brief out few facts about carbohydrates.
6 Facts about carbs:

Boosts up body energy: As carb rich foods increase the production of glucose in the body, you feel more energetic and fight fatigue very easily.

Starch: Complex carbohydrate rich foods are rich in starch content. Complex carbs are also referred to as starchy foods. Brown rice, bananas, potatoes, wholegrain cereals, wholemeal flour, wholemeal pastas, nuts etc are complex carbs which have natural starch content. This starch breaks down easily in the body and converts into glucose.
However, refined carbs in wholegrain such as wheat and barley, beans and lentils have resistant starch that do not convert into energy.

Glycogen: Excessive consumption of carbohydrates rich foods can increase the level of glucose in the body. This imbalances the blood sugar levels. This imbalance fluctuates the glucose level. When the glucose level is very high in the body, the condition is known as glycogen. In this condition, the glycogen deposits as fat in the body or inside the liver.

Excessive carb intake can lead to weight gain: This is one of the facts that people ignore or are unaware of. Although carb rich diet provides you energy, excessive consumption of carbs can make you fat as it leads to weight gain. 1g carbohydrate contains 3.75 calories so if include low carb foods to prevent weight gain.

Balanced diet is the best: To keep a balance in the intake of proteins and carbs, include foods in your plate that rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbs. Have both complex and simple carbohydrates to stay healthy and avoid weight gain too.

Avoid artificial sugar: Many carb foods are high in sugar. This can increase the blood sugar level and the production of insulin. So, avoid having artificial sweeteners like cakes, pastries and chocolates.

Keeps you fuller: Carbs are rich in fibre. This makes the digestion slow thus making you feel fuller for a longer duration. You can't digest few fibres in complex carbs so they slowly move into the digestive tract. This controls your food cravings and make you feel fuller.

These are few facts about carbohydrates that you should know. To include it in your diet, have low carb foods as they are more healthy and less in calories.

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