
October 05, 2012

Common Drugs That Might Worsen Health

Many people are in the habit of purchasing medicines at their own without any medical consultation. Self medication is one of the worst health habits among us all. There are certain misconceptions about some common drugs that almost all of us foster. This can cause many health related problems. So, you better break these misconceptions and know the truth behind these common drugs available in all the medicine stores.

Sleeping Pills- Almost all sleeping pills are highly addictive. The worst part is that they interfere with the brain function. Such common drugs also disrupt the normal health cycle of an individual. Also, with time the body becomes resistant to the regular dosage that you have. This has been proved by research that sleeping pills worsen present health conditions by bringing in depression. The natural cycles that make us feel rested and refreshed after a night's sleep is hampered by the sleeping pills.

Antacid- The antacids that you take might cause more harm than good. If taken occasionally and in serious cases then it is fine. But, many people develop the habit of taking an antacid as soon as they start feeling a bad stomach. This is one of the common drugs that disrupts the natural digestive system of the body. Then your body cannot absorb all the nutrients fully. This leads to poor health conditions like peptic ulcer, piles, kidney stones etc.

Cough and Cold Medications- Almost all cough and cold medicines are harmful for the kids. They affect the lungs. You should never go for self medication in these cases. These medicines have a side effect as an overdose of these common drugs might even lead to death.

Headache Medicines- Most of us have a habit of self medication especially when it comes to headaches. We all have kept in our mids the names of some common drugs that we take as soon as a headache strikes us. They might give temporary relief, but have worse side effects in the long run. Try going for a head massage instead to get relief from a headache.

Medicines For Depression- The medicines that people have for depression can have harmful side affects. These medicines alter an area of the brain that regulates both serotonin and the glucose levels. This is the reason why you grow fat with the intake of these medicines. Medicines for depression thus worsens the health conditions of a person.

Try to avoid all these common drugs and go for natural alternatives instead. This way you will remain healthier and better than before.

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