
February 11, 2013

High school bans friends of dying teenager who overdosed on prescription pills from selling wristbands to help her parents raise money for medical bills because it 'would glorify drug use'

Kerrigan Brandon is a teenager with a big smile and a kind heart.
The Roosevelt High School sophomore will never get to hang out with her friends again.
The 15-year-old is in critical condition after overdosing on a cocktail of prescription pills on January 12th.
Her mother told, the teen is severely brain dead and may only have days to live.

The girl's mother told that:"She has no function, but to lay in bed, that would be her life. They said could be couple days at most a week."
Kerrigan's friends at Roosevelt high school knew their friend's family would need financial support, so they had plans to sell bright pink bracelets that read "Prayers for Kear Bare."
The $2 from each bracelet along with money from t-shirt sales would go directly to Kerrigan's family.
Yet the students told  that school officials wouldn't allow them from selling the fundraisers on school premises, as it would promote the use of drugs.