
May 06, 2013

No jab, no play campaign launched to ban unvaccinated kids from childcare centres and preschools

CHILDCARE centres should have the right to ban unvaccinated kids from childcare centres and preschools under a proposed "no jab, no play" policy.

The Sunday Telegraph and The Daily Telegraph are today launching a campaign to stop the rise in the number of children succumbing to preventable diseases because parents are failing to have them fully immunised.

Although only 1.5 per cent of parents are "vaccine refusers" or conscientious objectors, many parents are forgetful, leaving areas of NSW with vaccination rates below 85 per cent - despite the inarguable scientific proof that the vaccination program has saved thousands of lives and eradicated diseases that crippled children just a generation ago, including polio.
Despite effective vaccines, Australia has been unable to eradicate diseases such as whooping cough because some parents do not immunise, leaving small babies and children with cancer and other immune-compromising conditions vulnerable.
Nine local areas were recently identified by the National Health Performance Authority as being "at risk" of outbreaks of preventable and potentially deadly diseases such as measles and chicken pox, with vaccination rates as low as, or below, 85 per cent. A high rate of immunisation is defined as 95 per cent.

The eastern suburbs, inner Sydney, Manly and the north shore now record the lowest rates of immunisation in the city with an estimated 77,000 children not fully immunised.
The Australian Medical Association believes tougher measures - potentially including bans for non-immunised children - should be introduced to make life harder for "free-riding" parents who refuse or forget to vaccinate.

"We need to lift the barriers, we need people to make an active decision to immunise because we have a responsibility to our children to protect them, and a responsibility to the community to contribute to herd immunity," Dr Steve Hambleton said.



A child will die of measles - a preventable disease - in the near future if another outbreak occurs and the immunisation rate remains below 95 per cent, Dr Hambleton warned.
He wants childcare centres to be more vigilant with checking immunisation certificates. "Sadly we will see a death," he said. "The free-riders will actually cause a disease to occur in vaccinated children whose parents did the responsible thing."

Under current laws, daycares and schools cannot refuse non-immunised children entry. These children can be temporarily excluded only if there is an outbreak of a communicable disease, NSW Health's director of health protection Dr Jeremy McAnulty said.
The campaign has two specific aims: first, to demand the NSW government amend the Public Health Act 2010 to allow childcare centres to ban unvaccinated children if they so wish.
Second, for the federal government to close a loophole enabling parents to claim they are "conscientious objectors" to avoid the rule that only vaccinated children are eligible for the 50 per cent childcare rebate.

NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner said the government had no plans to toughen laws. "Additional measures could be considered in future to maximise rates of vaccination in children, however the NSW government has no current plans to legislate compulsory immunisation," she said.
The federal government instituted financial penalties in July with the new Family Tax Benefit A supplement of $726 reliant on a child being fully immunised. But the carrot-and-stick approach does not affect wealthy parents in the identified areas who do not qualify for the benefit.
Federal Health Minister Tanya Plibersek has replaced the term "conscientious objectors" in government communications with "vaccine refusers". There is also a move to make the same change in legislation.

Ms Plibersek rubbished fear campaigns about the risks of immunisation.
"As a mother of three, I support immunisation and my children are fully immunised," she said.
"No vaccine or medicine can be guaranteed to be without side-effects, but these are infrequent and in the main are very mild.
"The alleged link between autism and immunisation has been disproved. It is absolutely 100 per cent not true. Unfounded allegations regarding adverse events from vaccines lead to downturns in immunisation rates and outbreak of disease."


  1. If all the vaccinated chilren are protected why are you concerned about unvaccinated children.

    1. I agree. Do vaccines protect or do they not? Either the medical profession is confused about how vaccines work, or they are worried that the rise of refusers will deprive them of certain perks from drug companies, and/or lower the returns on their investments in drug companies - which surely should be viewed as conflict of interest.

      All one has to do is look at the explosion of all sorts of autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions such as to peanuts (from peanut oil adjuvants in vaccines) and soft tissue cancers to worry seriously if vaccines aren't the cause. Parents who love and want to protect their children are over a barrel, aren't they?

      Here are some interesting eye openers for those who trust "authority" rather than doing their own research:

      I find it interesting that so many parents nowadays are worried about chemicals in their children's food, yet allow all sorts of them to be pumped into pristine tiny baby bodies just on the say-so of a doctor who only knows what he's told by the people getting rich off the stuff.

    2. Exactly,there is no logic to it

    3. "The free-riders will actually cause a disease to occur in vaccinated children whose parents did the responsible thing."
      That statement makes NO sense! Vaccines either work or they don't and they clearly DON'T or else you wouldn't be so concerned about the vaccinated kids.

  2. "If all the vaccinated chilren are protected why are you concerned about unvaccinated children."

    BINGO! I remember back in the Seventies, when they were pushing the swine flu shots. I asked a friend's father, "Do you plan do get one of those shots?" His answer was "Fuck, NO!" When I asked why, he said, "I'll tell you what. Let all the rest of these goddamned retards and guinea pigs get themselves shot up with that poisonous crap, and I shouldn't have to worry about an epidemic, right?" That opened my eyes for good.

    The people pushing these vaccines should wind up in the lowest ring of Hell.

    1. every one in edmonton alberta canada..who got a swine flu shot...ended up with severe migraines,that lasted for days...maybe it was just a cancer promoter...we are not dying fast enough or maybe it was harmless? i was scared to get one ,so i didn't...thats all im saying.

  3. Start your own centers with like-minded people.
    Starve the beast.

  4. Did your GP give you the MMR insert from the manufacturer noting the potential side effects?

    What research has been done on so called herd immunity?

    Why has there been no research into the toxicity of vaccines?

    Australian constitution prohibits medical conscription which is why they cant force you even though they would love to

  5. Using his logic I would not want my child to get vaccinated, he say's it himself that the toxin free child will cause the vaccinated or poisoned kid to die. Thus, I would not want my kid to die, thus no vaccination poisoning. Logic, it works every time.

  6. We all know or should know that so called vaccines are poisonous and are known to NOT work, they are there to control and make sick our children... enough said.

  7. I asked my Doctor "What percentage of children experience side effects from vaccines ?" She replied "15%" I was shocked ! I looked at my perfectly healthy baby and replied "no thanks"

  8. how can my unvaccinated child be such a threat to your vaccinated children when you believe in the vaccine so much ? vaccines are deadly and poisonous.visit facebook parents against vaccines and the truth about vaccines,much detailed proof how vaccines kill our children.

  9. do we really know what is in a vaccination?i bet the doctors and nurses dont either....sure they will sell you a smoke show and say its alright..nothing to worry about...but should we worry.....who knows

  10. this article was funded by whom? big pharma, most likely. 100% inaccurate info.
    the dormant viruses contained in vaccines are triggered by radiation(x-rays for example)and then in turn, these activated viruses cause cancer.
    why would i want to bypass my immune system? why do we have an immune system for?

  11. As Bill Gates said when speaking at TED. "if we do a really good job with vaccines we can reduce the population by 10 to 15%"

  12. wtf you vaccine deniers why dont you get your vaccines? Your going to kill vaccinated kids! lol (sarcasm) how insane is this world when the majority of the population think that putting mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, "foreign objects" and viruses into your kid is somehow "good" for them? hahahhaha rofl lmfao that is and should be considered child abuse and would be banned if this was a sane world! Think about it if I told you that i was going to inject mercury (which is 1 of the most poisonous substances on earth), aluminum (which is a highly toxic metal when in liquid form, like mercury it goes straight to the brain), formaldehyde (which has proven to be a highly toxic substance), MSG (also a highly toxic substance) and viruses (which normally is considered bad) into your child wouldnt you call the cops and have me arrested? But if a doctor does it over 20 times too your child that cant even walk yet its considered "good"? lol I mean people are insane!

  13. I think this is a case of paranoia, theres no evidence to support any of this.

  14. if you get that poison injected into you and your kids then why am i or my kids a threat??? after all you have had the vaccine you should be safe

  15. I find many useful things herewith On Childcare. It is really amazing for us. Where ever we are, just click on the website and Take advantage .Your article impressed me very heartily.

  16. It's getting more difficult and less clear whether to go for conventional vaccines or not

  17. 'First do no harm'

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