
June 02, 2013

Science In Schools? Not In My State Proclaims One Kentucky State Senator: Sen. Mike Wilson proclaimed that the new educational standards are nothing less than an attempt by the UN to force control onto the population of the United States

Kentucky is in the process of updating its educational textbooks. Normally not a cause of contention (outside of Texas), this week it was brought into the spotlight when State Senator Mike Wilson wrote an op-ed against the new educational standards. In it, he proclaimed that the new educational standards are nothing less than an attempt by the UN to force control onto the population of the United States. To support this, he wrote:
There are those in the scientific field who question the beliefs of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. A statement signed by 16 scientists listed several stubborn scientific facts contradicting the Intergovernmental Panel’s beliefs.
Hold on a second, 16 scientists signed a statement! Obviously, climate change must be false, right?
Sorry, but that does not work, as Peter Hadfield explains here:
These 16 scientists which are being held up by Senator Wilson can be found in the Wall Street Journal piece titled “No Need to Panic About Global Warming.” At the end there are, indeed, 16 people listed. However, they are not climatologists, and many are not scientists at all. We have Claude Allegre (geochemist), J. Scott Armstrong (marketing and advertising), Jan Breslow (medical doctor), Roger Cohen (physics), Edward David (engineering), William Happer (physics), Michael Kelly (engineering), William Kininmonth (never got his doctorate, only achieving a masters in public administration), Richard Lindzen (atmospheric physicist), James McGrath (chemist), Rodney Nichols (physics), Burt Rutan (aerospace engineering), Harrison H. Schmitt (geology), Nir Shaviv (astrophysics), Henk Tennekes (aerospace engineering), Antonio Zichichi (nuclear physics).
Of them, only three have the bare level of skills needed for meteorology or climatology. None of them are experts in the field. You would not go to a dentist for brain surgery, although both occur in the head. None of them have peer reviewed papers explaining their arguments against climate change. In short, they are not experts, their opinions remain just that, opinions. It has as much validity as their opinion on which beverage they prefer, Coke or Pepsi. In short, not experts.
This is, of course, not the end of it. Oh no, the Senator continues:
Another area of contention is evolution. The standards make it clear that evolution is fundamental to understanding the life sciences.
Then he goes on to act like this is a controversial thought. But, in fact, it is well established that the study of evolution is critical to understanding biology. Without an understanding of evolution, understanding biology is nearly impossible.
Ultimately, this long, and rambling letter, is coming down to an argument against science itself. He does not understand science, so he cherry picks his sources, citing non-experts to validate his preconcieved viewpoint, and wants to sabotage his states future in order to punish science. Unfortunately for him, science exists, belief is not required. 
Those of a religious slant have issues with this. They function in a world of superstition and belief, and cannot comprehend that science requires doubt, and skepticism to function. But nothing to do with belief. The doubters and skeptics must be willing to put their own numbers, their own data, on the line in their arguments against the scientific theory presented. In a religiously driven world, willingness to put their belief on the line to be nit picked and torn down just does not exist. And that is where Senator Wilson falls short. Of course, his audience for WCVK Christian Family Radio may not realize this. Instead he proclaims that climate science and evolution must be banned in order to encourage critical thinking, a thought so laughable it is almost sad.


  1. Hey Author of this pathetic article... Here's over 31000 MORE USA scientists who all signed on to discredit the HOAX that is MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE. But nice try ;)

  2. The only problem with the title of this article is that "climate change science" is not science.

  3. Wilson should have no problem with catastrophic anthropogenic climate change being taught in Kentucky schools, as there is science in it at all!

    In science you continually try to disprove your hypothesis, you don't start with a conclusion and a perceived reality and mould your simulations and data around it. And you certainly don't keep using the same flawed mathematical model of the climate when it immediately departs from your measured reality, as every climate model thusfar has.

    Oh, and another thing, I'm counting at least 7 and maybe 10 people who signed who have sufficient qualifications to have a valid scientific opinion on climate change, based on the definition of climate science.

    ALL scientists need to do college physics. There is nothing in climatology whose basis is not covered in 2nd year college physics. Gas laws, molecular absorption, electromagnetic radiation, thermodynamics, latent heat, and obviously the newtonian stuff.

    And since when does someone need to be a climatologist to have a scientific opinion on climate and what drives it? Says who?? A good grounding in physics is quite sufficient.

    Using the author's argument, we could say with absolute truth that nothing in Earth's climate exists independently of the behaviour of The Sun, and since very few climatologists are also astrophysicists, they, by definition, cannot truly understand the sole and principal determiner of Earth's climate, i.e. The Sun.

    1. Typo...Should read:
      "Wilson should have no problem with catastrophic anthropogenic climate change being taught in Kentucky schools, as there is no science in it at all!"

  4. An article full of Marxist Jew bullshit. Evolution? Global Warming? ROFLMAO! Talk about laughable bullshit that only an idiot can swallow.

    1. Precisely. It's always an attempt to discredit the merits of Christianity and the White race. All this bullshit is a repeat of the Bolshevik Revolution in which Bolshevik Jews purged Russia of White Christians. They're doing the same in AmeriKwa with their multi-tiered brainwashing, forced 3rd world immigrants in to White nations to dilute them with unskilled/uneducated human debris, jack booted thugs, child indoctrination centers, control of the courts/media/education/military/business/unions....Their goal is the genocide of the White race and to replace it with hoards of barbarian brown skins for them to rule over.

  5. Exactly. Global Warming is False! Do some research! asshole.

  6. I don't buy into the U.N.'s "science" on "anthropogenic global warming" it's not based on science it's pushed and pulled along by politics. It's being used to deindustrialize the U.S. The middle-class of the U.S. is slowly being done away with. A well educated middle-class is an obstacle for the powers that be "elite" that want a global government with which they can dominate and control the entire planet.
    There is evidence that the climate,humans (Morgellons Disease),and the ph of the soil is being altered by Geoengineering (Chemtrails). Samples taken from places like Mt.Shasta in California and elsewhere around the globe have seen extremely high levels of metallic salts such as aluminum oxide, barium, and strontium. The extremely high levels of aluminum oxides being dumped into our skies is altering the ph of the soil,in areas tested, so much so that it is causing trees and other greenery to die. This dumping of these metallic salts is causing an elevation in respiratory ailments and other ailments.
    Monsanto already has seeds that have been genetically modified (GMO) to withstand the unnatural changes in the soil and environment caused by Geoengineering.

    Science is in constant pursuit of unequivocal empirical evidence to support a hypothesis. Historically, this pursuit of evidence (proof), has been stifled...thwarted from time to time by religious dogma.A good example of this is the Catholic church's suppression and persecution of Galileo Galilei. Some will say, well that's the Catholic church and I'm a Baptist or I'm Pentecostal, not fully realizing that the origins of Christianity started with the council of Nicea and the Catholic church.There were books left out of the Bible and the books in the bible made into this book,the Bible, via a majority vote of this council which Roman Emperor Constantine organized and Roman Mithraism was incorporated into this new religion (Christianity). The Holy Roman Empire morphed into the Holy Roman Catholic Church and the Caesar (Emperor),in essence, became the Pope. Christianity was the Catholic church until Martin Luther rebelled against the Catholic church and formed the [Protest]ant sect.

    Science and the realities...truths of life must be left unhindered by antiquated religious dogma in this pursuit of the realities...truths of life on earth and in our universe.
    Young earth creationists will tell you that the earth is approx. 6,000 years because their Bible tells them so and that science backs up their assertion. No it doesn't! The Earth has been estimated to be approx. 4.5 billion years old from various carbon dating methods, such as carbon-14. These young earth creationists are boxed in by their religious dogma and their "science" must adhere to predetermined value sets. This is NOT a true and honest pursuit of scientific discovery, but adherence to antiquated religious dogma.Some people will adhere to these religious myths like a five year old clings to their teddy bear. They're like a fortress with a moat around it and the drawbridge isn't coming down to allow in sound DATA, reason and logic. They prefer living in their own world within the confines of the fortress which protects them from the realities of science, hence the real world.
