
September 08, 2013

Obama, Kerry push for military action on Syria

President Barack Obama on Sunday tried to rally Congressional support for possible US military action against Syria ahead of a vote expected over the issue as his top diplomat launched parallel efforts to drum up support from key European allies and Arab leaders.

Obama administration officials are struggling to assuage lawmakers who are hearing from war-weary constituents that say they should reject the President's call for limited military action in Syria.

Just back from a European trip in which he failed to forge a consensus among global leaders, Obama launched a campaign on radio and television to try to convince a skeptical US public and Congress.

Making a strong pitch for a "limited" military strike against the Syrian regime, Obama said America cannot "turn a blind eye" to the images emerging from the country.

The president will give interviews with CNN, PBS, Fox, NBC, ABC and CBS tomorrow as he presses his case, a White House official said.

On Tuesday, Obama will address the American people on this crisis.

Obama had said that he had expected skepticism from the public and from lawmakers, and that he had anticipated it would be "a heavy lift" to win approval for military action from Congress.

He asked Americans to back him in launching an attack on Syria, as diplomatic pressure grew on the US to wait for a UN report expected in a week's time before beginning military action.

"We cannot turn a blind eye to images like the ones we've seen out of Syria," Obama said in his weekly address.

"We can't ignore chemical weapons attacks like this one, even if they happen halfway around the world. And that's why I call on Members of Congress, from both parties, to come together and stand up for the kind of world we want to live in, the kind of world we want to leave our children and future generations," he said.

Senate Intelligence Committee released 13 videos showing images of the chemical attack in Syria as part of the White House' efforts to press for the case. Some of the graphic images of the chemical attack have been shown in the videos.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry stepped up his efforts to persue Europens allies. He is set to meet Arab leaders before heading to the UK as part of a European tour aimed at increasing support for action against Syria.

Kerry will meet Arab leaders in Paris. Those talks initially were to focus on the latest Middle East peace initiative, but Syria is now expected to be on the agenda, the officials said.

Kerry will talk to the Arabs "about things where they may be helpful, and again, also building support within the international community for a response from the international community," one of the officials said.

In all of the meetings Kerry is expected to work to "coordinate a political response" on Syria, but not expected to go into the details about particular roles countries could play as part of any military action, an official said.

From Paris, Kerry will travel to London where he will meet the Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas and British Foreign Secretary William Hague.

He will hold talks with Hague in the wake of the vote by British MPs against the action on Syria.

Kerry, speaking in Paris, said the number of countries prepared to take military action against Syria is now "in the double digits".

France is the only nation so far to commit to military action against Syria alongside the United States.

"We have more countries prepared to take military action than we actually could use in the kind of military action being contemplated," he said.

Kerry held talks with 28 EU foreign ministers in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius yesterday before travelling to Paris.

But in a joint statement member states stopped short of endorsing any US-led strike, stressing "the need to move forward with addressing the Syrian crisis through the UN process".

Kerry said the world should not be "spectators to slaughter", but said President Obama had not yet decided whether to wait for the UN inspection report before taking action.

The US accuses Assad's forces of killing 1,429 people in a sarin gas attack on 21 August.

Repeating a phrase he used earlier in the week, Kerry said the international community was facing a "Munich moment" - a reference to the policy of appeasement that failed to stop Nazi Germany in the 1930s.


  1. Do people realy know whom they are upagainst, the ziotrud Kerry and the reat of the JudeoChristians, their insane policy, do you.
    This is their beginning, and the UssA is their wepond, Eretzh Israel is their goal.

    I showed this for some years ago, the first time and was riddicoulded and hailed as a "conspiracy nutt", but now its all there in the making, in the UssA, the evils forces that right now is a continuation and is consilidating their world power, by means of simple slaughtering their way into the humanity, the same people that are behind the insanely evil Comunism, all payed for and maintained by the Wall street and the Banker cabal.
    Never, ever, forgett, that it was the Wall street that founded and meda proffit from this insanity, it all documented and writen about, several times, but is stil largly uknown.
    This is the force we all are upagainst.

    The slaughter house of Ossiris.

    About Comunism/zionism/judeochristianism or more presisly, old babylonian talmudism, the moust evil and insane religion ever invended by man.
    This is America as we speek.
    God night, world, when this pack of blodthirsty creatures gains world dominance, we all are doomed.
    If you dont realise the scale and scope of their lies and forged history, we are indeed doomed.
    This is the force we all are fighting, this is humanitys greates batle, this is the real deal.

    wake up


  2. We are going to bomb the "Spiders" and all Arachnids. Did you not see the images in "Starship Troopers"?

    If Youtube is a reason to go to war, then NYPD and LAPD had better look out.

    " America cannot "turn a blind eye" to the images emerging from the country", this has got to be the most inane drivel to come from a politicians mouth.

    Putin (and now you) had access to this information:

    “In addition, we have learned that on August 13-14, 2013, Western-sponsored opposition forces in Turkey started advance preparations for a major, irregular military surge,” the analysts said.

    “Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and Qatari, Turkish and U.S. intelligence officials took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, now used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army and their foreign sponsors.”

    The analysts claimed that senior opposition commanders who came from Istanbul pre-briefed the regional commanders on an “imminent escalation in the fighting due to ‘a war-changing development,’ which, in turn, would lead to a U.S.-led bombing of Syria.”

    The analysts said that the opposition leaders then were ordered to prepare their forces to “exploit the U.S. bombing” and march into Damascus to remove the al-Assad government."

    Please note the phrases : August 13-14, 2013 , Qatari, Turkish and U.S. intelligence officials and, which in turn, would lead to a U.S.-led bombing of Syria.”


    As hard as 315 Americans are saying "NO WAR", Israel and its AIPAC lobby are
    EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to "PUSH" us into another war to murder more
    of their neighbors, using AMERICAN MONEY and AMERICAN SOLDIERS' BLOOD.
    They will do ANYTHING (and I do mean ANYTHING) to start this war leading
    to WW3. Obama and the Israeli war-mongers are LYING when they say "no
    boots on the ground"....there are already American soldiers on the
    ground. This war was planned at least a DECADE ago, when GEN Wesley
    Clark was told in 2001 by the Pentagon that it intended to OVERTHROW 7
    countries in 5 years -- Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Iran. Their
    timetable has been interrupted by the long holdouts of Libya and Syria,
    and the new chaos in Egypt, but they are "chomping at the bit" to ATTACK
    IRAN, then Russia and China per Zbig Brzezinski's 1995 book THE GRAND
    CHESS BOARD. In the book, Bzig advocated a 911-type scenario to make a war-weary America WANT to go to war and conquer the
    they LIED us into Iraq and Afghanistan. This week, in yet another FALSE
    FLAG attempt to start a war with Syria and WW3, Israel fired 2 missiles
    at U.S. Navy ships, both of which were shot down.

    need to take our country back from parasite israel, which has placed its
    agents at the TOP LEVELS of virtually every federal agency, the
    Pentagon, all the think-tanks, the State Dept, etc. ISRAEL "owns"
    Congress and the entire federal government via NSA Blackmail and bribes. Their jack-booted thugs RUN
    Homeland INSecurity/TSA/FEMA intimidate Americans on purpose. Please do
    your part to STOP this war in Syria and, for once, don't let ISRAEL
    win! As JFK intended to do, Israel's AIPAC needs to be re-designated to
    "FOREIGN" lobby.


    As hard as 315 Americans are saying "NO WAR", Israel and its AIPAC lobby are
    EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to "PUSH" us into another war to murder more
    of their neighbors, using AMERICAN MONEY and AMERICAN SOLDIERS' BLOOD.
    They will do ANYTHING (and I do mean ANYTHING) to start this war leading
    to WW3. Obama and the Israeli war-mongers are LYING when they say "no
    boots on the ground"....there are already American soldiers on the
    ground. This war was planned at least a DECADE ago, when GEN Wesley
    Clark was told in 2001 by the Pentagon that it intended to OVERTHROW 7
    countries in 5 years -- Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Iran. Their
    timetable has been interrupted by the long holdouts of Libya and Syria,
    and the new chaos in Egypt, but they are "chomping at the bit" to ATTACK
    IRAN, then Russia and China per Zbig Brzezinski's 1995 book THE GRAND
    CHESS BOARD. In the book, Bzig advocated a 911-type scenario to to
    make a war-weary America WANT to go to war and conquer the
    they LIED us into Iraq and Afghanistan. This week, in yet another FALSE
    FLAG attempt to start a war with Syria and WW3, Israel fired 2 missiles
    at U.S. Navy ships, both of which were shot down.

    need to take our country back from parasite israel, which has placed its
    agents at the TOP LEVELS of virtually every federal agency, the
    Pentagon, all the think-tanks, the State Dept, etc. ISRAEL "owns"
    Congress and the entire federal government. Their jack-booted thugs at
    Homeland INSecurity/TSA/FEMA intimidate Americans on purpose. Please do
    your part to STOP this war in Syria and, for once, don't let ISRAEL
    win! As JFK intended to do, Israel's AIPAC needs to be re-designated to
    "FOREIGN" lobby.
