Lava lover Sean King, 47, dedicates his life to documenting hauntingly beautiful images of volcanoes on his island home of Pahoa, Hawaii.
Originally from New York, Sean is a carpenter by trade but moved to Hawaii with his family nearly eight years ago. Pictured:the crater of the volcano.
Sean spends hours waiting for the ultimate eruption and has even had to dodge fountains of lava bubbling at over 1,500C.
The Milky Way illuminates the night sky above the volcano
The lava flowing underneath the rocks
A moon bow
It's pure magic to watch new land being formed and watching how it reacts with the ocean, explains Sean.It's definitely worth every pair of hiking boots that I have melted the soles off to get there.
Sean is colour blind, but uses this to his advantage as it helps him to avoid overcompensation of certain colours and tints in his photos.
Sean spends hours waiting for the ultimate eruption and has even had to dodge fountains of lava bubbling at over 1,500C.
Where the lava meets the ocean it spills down 45-foot-high cliffs sending boiling water bouncing back, Sean warns.The flow builds lava shelves at the coastline and becomes unstable meaning it can collapse into the boiling hot ocean at any time.
Sean said: I usually shoot wide angle 15 to 25 second exposures of the flow during the night time, so I need to get extremely close, usually about an inch away. Flows can move at around 5mph and can really make you sweat or melt your gear.
Sean fell in love with photography by accident, wanting to share his new surroundings and experiences with his friends back home, he brought a camera on a whim.
Safety is paramount and coming home to his wife and mother is what spurs him on to be diligent during his adventures.Sean said: If I'm out taking photos I have to be super careful, poisonous fumes and the unimaginable heat from the lava is extremely dangerous.