
December 05, 2014

Anger in France over city’s plan for ‘Nazi style’ badges for the homeless

The southern French city of Marseille has been forced to scrap a system of yellow triangles intended to help spot homeless people after it was accused of employing Nazi-style tactics.
The cards, which were given to homeless people, detail their health issues and are yellow in order to be easily spotted.
Human rights groups and government ministers criticised the “yellow triangle cards” in France’s second city, saying they are “stigmatising”, and hark back to the Star of David sewn on to Jewish people’s clothes during the Holocaust.
La Ligue des droits de l’Homme, a human rights group, said it was troubled by the resemblance “of this card and the yellow star that the Jews had to wear during the Second World War”.
Marisol Touraine, the social affairs minister, said: “I’m shocked. Forcing homeless people to carry a yellow triangle indicating the illnesses they might have is outrageous. You don’t point the finger at the poorest.”
She told Le Parisien: “You don’t write their illnesses on their clothes. Medical confidentiality, in particular, is a fundamental right. I want this local initiative to be stopped.”
The card and triangle, an initiative of Marseille’s town hall and social services, identifies the person with his or her photograph, name and date of birth. It also details a person’s illnesses or allergies. 
The aim, local authorities, said, was to help health workers quickly provide aid to a homeless person who falls ill. More than 100 triangles have been distributed.
On Wednesday, about 100 activists and homeless people protested against the initiative outside the city’s town hall.


  1. Why does anyone need to spot homeless people? It's not like they take a kol nidrei oath and lie and deceive the people around them to gain advantage.

  2. it is all about the corporate state attempting to create joinder betwixt its dead self and a living man via a dead legal name. losethename dot com

  3. Israel has no problem with such practices ...... when Israel is doing them to GENTILES. Israel enforces laws that are straight out of Nazi Germany such as Palestinians must have different colored ID cards and license plates, JUST like the yellow stars the Jews WAIL about having to wear. Palestinians have to use separate roads, IDENTICAL to Black OR Whites Only drinking faucets.
