
March 24, 2015

America’s Sixth President Perfectly Explains Islam in One Sentence

John Quincy Adams, our sixth President sums up his thoughts about the religion of Islam in one short sentence.
He was nicknamed “The Hell-Hound of Slavery” for relentlessly speaking out against slavery and single-handedly led the fight to lift the gag rule that prohibited discussion of slavery on the House floor. He also spoke out about Islam.
WND reports:
In 1841, John Qunicy Adams defended 53 Africans accused of mutiny aboard the slave ship Amistad. He won their case before the Supreme Court, giving them back their freedom, stating:

“The moment you come to the Declaration of Independence, that every man has a right to life and liberty, an inalienable right, this case is decided. I ask nothing more in behalf of these unfortunate men than this Declaration.”
African slaves brought to America were purchased at Muslim slave markets, where over Islam’s centuries of history an estimated 180 million were enslaved.
The annotated “John Quincy Adams: A Bibliography,” compiled by Lynn H. Parsons (Westport, CT, 1993, p. 41, entry#194) contains “Unsigned essays dealing with the Russo-Turkish War and on Greece,” (The American Annual Register for 1827-28-29 (NY: 1830):
The natural hatred of the Mussulmen towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Koran. [..]
The fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion is the extirpation of hatred from the human heart. It forbids the exercise of it, even towards enemies. […]

In the 7th century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab … spread desolation and delusion over an extensive portion of the earth. … He declared undistinguishing and exterminating war as a part of his religion. … The essence of his doctrine was violence and lust, to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature.

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