
March 24, 2015

Woman Held For 8 Days In Psych Ward For Saying Obama Follows Her On Twitter… Even Though He Does

A New York woman was locked up in the psychiatric ward of a Long Island hospital after claiming that President Barack Obama follows her on Twitter. But there’s only one problem… he actually does.
It all started last year when Kam Brock tried to get her car out of a New York Police Department impound site. When she walked in to the Public Service Area 6 NYPD station, she was upset, but by no means, her lawyer explains, “emotionally disturbed,” as the police claim.
The NYPD had her forcibly committed for a 72-hour psychiatric evaluation that soon turned into an 8-day ordeal.
Now, Brock is fighting back and suing the NYPD and the hospital for falsely imprisoning her.
She recounts, that “next thing you know, the police held onto me, the doctor stuck me with a needle and I was knocked out. I woke up to them taking off my underwear and then went out again. I woke up the next day in a hospital robe.”
She explains that the whole “Obama” comment was only brought up to try to explain “the type of person I am. I’m a good person, a positive person. Obama follows positive people.”
But the hospital actually made her discharge contingent upon her stating that this was a lie and denying that Obama follows her on Twitter.
The “master treatment plan” says that she must “state that Obama is not following her on Twitter” in order to be released. Strangely, no one at the hospital even bothered to check the Twitter account in question, which would have easily confirmed her claim.
To make matters worse, she was later billed $13,637.10 for her involuntary incarceration. She is demanding reimbursement for this, as well as an additional, unspecified amount in damages.

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