
April 03, 2015

10 Sign Our Body Has Parasites, Use These Foods To Kill Parasite Naturally

Parasites are organisms that invade the body and feed on our nutrients and blood to live. Parasites can be internal and external. While external parasites are mostly visible to the human eye and easily removed through a number of methods, internal parasites are difficult to identify and require more effort to be rid of. External parasites like head lice, and body lice are very common infections in human beings.

 Symptoms You Have Parasites in your Body

  • Fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or feeling of apathy frequently.
  • Diarrhea. Parasites generally attack the lining of the intestines which leads to a variety of abdominal problems prevail in distressing regularity
  • Skin problems: dry skin, eczema, rashes, hives, papular lesions and sores.
  • Mood and anxiety problems such as mood swings, nervousness, depression, forgetfulness, restlessness, and anxiety
  • Sleep problems such as insomnia, teeth grinding during sleep, bed wetting and disturbed sleep.
  • Weight and appetite problems like weight gain, long standing obesity, loss of appetite or uncontrollable hunger and inability to gain or lose weight.
  • Muscle and joint problems, including muscle pain, joint pain, muscle cramping, numbness of hands and/or feet, pain in navel, heart pain and arthritic pain.
  • Diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia
  • Reproductive problems, PMS, urinary tract infections, cysts and fibroids, menstrual problems, prostate problems and water retention.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome one of the more common signs of parasites in the body. Intestinal parasites fix themselves to the walls of the intestines which leads to inflammation of the area.

Natural Cures To Parasites

Eat Carrots

Eating carrots are a known remedy for treating intestinal parasites. Take two carrots and grate them. Eat them on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Lemon And Spearmint

Take one cup of spearmint juice and add some black salt and lemon juice to it. Drink this every day to remove all kinds of parasitic infections in your stomach.

Raw Coconut

Munching on grated coconut can kill all the parasites in your stomach. Do this for a week if you suspect the presence of parasites in your stomach.

Seeds Of Lemon 

Lemon seeds that are crushed can kill parasites and remove their activity in the stomach. Take the seeds of lemon and crush them to make a paste. Add it along with a glass of water and drink it. You can also add them with lemon juice. If possible, just chew the seeds and swallow them which is much easier.


Slice two tomatoes and add black salt and pepper to it. Eat it every day to prevent fungal and parasitic infections of the stomach and body. Tomatoes can be consumed raw as salads too if you prefer that way.


Garlic has a very unpleasant smell which can help remove the parasites from the stomach. They are also antibacterial and antifungal in properties and hence a wonderful remedy for killing microbes in the body. Chew a few cloves of garlic every day for prevention and removal of parasites.

Rice Vinegar

Vinegar in all forms is good for treating a number of ailments. Tale one tablespoon of rice vinegar and mix with a glass of water. The more acidic the vinegar, the better. Drink this every day to destroy the parasites in your stomach. If you have severe parasite infections, 3-4 glasses a day is recommended.


Turmeric has a multitude of medicinal effects and can be used for treating parasitic infections. Add turmeric in your food or consume them directly with water which will have a faster and more efficient result on the parasite.

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