Walmart is on a mission to motivate its 1.3 million store employees.
Earlier in the year it announced that it was raising minimum wages, and now it is to mercifully stop forcing staff to listen to the same songs over and over again in-store.
According to Fortune, U.S. Walmart execs announced at a meeting with 3,000 store employees on Wednesday that they will put an end to the 'constant loop of Celine Dion and Justin Bieber music blasted into stores from headquarters', replacing it with Radio Walmart, which will be back after 9 years playing songs chosen by a dedicated DJ.
Bosses also promised new cash incentives and a looser dress code.
Walmart is trying to show some humility in the hope that staff will stay with the company longer term.
"There is nothing I like better than hearing about your jobs, your ideas, your hopes and dreams, and frustration, and listening to how we can make your lives easier" Walmart U.S. CEO Greg Foran told the store workers in Fayetteville, Alaska. "I’ve done your jobs."
The three-day corporate event, attended by handpicked strong-performing employees, was somewhat self-deprecatingly called Walmart-palooza.
Nobody should be inside a Walmart anyway. KEEP OUT.Walmart is ANTI-American