
September 17, 2015

50 Reasons Why You Must Stop Drinking Fluoridated Water Now

Here are their 50 top reasons why you must stop drinking fluoridated water immediately:
1. Fluoride is the only chemical added to water for the purpose of medical treatment. All other chemicals are added to improve the water’s safety or quality.
2. Fluoridation is unethical because it is forced onto the public without their consent. Informed consent is standard practice for all other medication.
3. The dose of the amount of fluoride consumed is impossible to control if administered through the public water system.
4. Fluoridated water is administered equally to everyone, without regard to age, health or vulnerability.
5. Fluoride is provided in many other sources beside water, including food, salt, dental products, pesticide residues on food, etc.
6. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient that is required by any of the body’s biological processes.
7. Fluoride levels in a nursing mother’s milk are naturally very low, thus bottle-fed babies consuming formula mixed with fluoridated water may be consuming harmful levels.
8. The kidneys of an adult are only able to excrete 50-60% of fluoride ingested each day, resulting inaccumulation in the body and bones.
9. No health agency in countries that fluoridate water is monitoring the side effects or results of fluoride exposure.
10. There have been no randomized controlled trials to demonstrate the safety or effectiveness to water fluoridation.
11. Acknowledged by the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the benefit of fluoride is mainly topical, not systemic.
12. Industrialized countries that have rejected water fluoridation have experienced the same decline in childhood dental decay. See graph.
13. The difference between tooth decay among children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in the US is miniscule. See survey.
14. A study funded by the U.S. National Institute of Health found no significant relationship between tooth decay and fluoride intake in children. See study.
15. Tooth decay continues to be high in low-income communities that have had fluoridated water for years.
16. There is no noticeable rise in tooth decay in communities where fluoridation is stopped.
17. The decline in tooth decay started before water fluoridation was introduced. See graph.
18. The studies used to justify water fluoridation have been criticized as “especially rich in fallacies, improper design, invalid use of statistical methods, omissions of contrary data, and just plain muddleheadedness and hebetude.” ~ Dr. Hubert Arnold, Statistician from the University of California at Davis
19. Water fluoridation programs have massively failed to achieve their key objective of lowering dental fluorosis to 10% in children. As of 2014, 41% of American adolescents had dental fluorosis.
20. Infants consuming baby formula made with fluoridated water have the highest exposure to fluoride, which has been found to be a major risk factor in developing dental fluorosis later in life.
21. Dental fluorosis may be an indicator of wider systemic damage.
22. Evidence exists that fluoride may damage the brain, interfere with brain functions, or lead to neurotoxicity.
23. Multiple studies have reported an association between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ.
24. Other studies have reported an association between fluoride exposure and non-IQ neurotoxic effects.
25. Studies have shown that fluoride accumulates and affects the human pineal gland. 
26. Fluoride exposure affects thyroid function.
27. Fluoride causes arthritic symptoms due to a fluoride-induced bone and joint disease called skeletal fluorosis.
28. Fluoride damages bones.
29. Fluoride may result in an increase in bone fractures, particularly in the hips, in the elderly. Some studies suggest that even low-level exposure may have a detrimental effect on cortical bone density.
30. People with kidney disease are prone to higher accumulation of fluoride in their bones and blood, making them more vulnerable to bone damage.
31. Fluoride may be one of the causes of osteosarcoma (bone cancer).
32. Proponents of fluoridation have been unable to refute the Bassin-Oteosarcoma study (2006) that showed an increased risk of getting osteosarcoma in men that drank fluoridated water during mid-childhood.
33. Numerous studies have shown that fluoride administered to animals damages the male reproductive system, and other epidemiological studies have shown increased rates of infertility among men living in high-fluoride areas.
34. Individuals that are highly sensitive to low levels of fluoride can experience symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, rashes and gastro-intestinal problems.
35. Some subsets of the population, including infants, the elderly, those with impaired kidney function (see #30), those with diabetes, and those suffering from malnutrition, are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity.
36. There is no margin of safety for the health effects of fluoridation.
37. Low-income families have no financial support to get alternative water supplies or to treat dental fluorosis, even though they are the ones being targeted by new fluoridation programs.
38. Black and Hispanic children are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity resulting in significantly higher rates of dental fluorosis, while, once again, their families are less able to avoid drinking fluoridated water.
39. Minorities and low-income families are not being warned about their vulnerabilities to fluoride.
40. Highest rates of tooth decay today can be found in low-income areas that have fluoridated water.
41. The chemicals used to fluoridate water are often sourced from wet scrubbing systems of the phosphate fertilizer industry. They are classified as hazardous waste and are not pharmaceutical grade.
42. There is a lack of comprehensive testing on the silicon fluorides.
43. Studies have found an association between the use of fluorosilicic acid to fluoridate water and an increased lead uptake into children’s blood.
44. Using fluoridating agents, in combination with chlorinating agents, may lead to an increase in leaching of lead from pipes and brass fittings used in water systems.
45. The status quo regarding fluoride has been followed for too long, without conducting key health studies. Many questions raised about fluoride are unsettled, and the scientific community has much less information than it should.
46. Many endorsements by organizations such as the US Public Health Service were made before any significant health studies were conducted; they were not based on any type of scientific evidence.
47. Reports used to provide necessary re-endorsements of the fluoridation practice are delivered by hand-picked panels of “well-known medical and dental researchers who actively campaigned on behalf of fluoridation.” (Fluoride Wars, Freeze and Lehr)
48. Many scientists oppose fluoridation. As of January 2012, over 4,000 professionals have signed a statement calling for an end to water fluoridation worldwide.
49. “The political pro-fluoridation stance has evolved into a dogmatic, authoritarian, essentially antiscientific posture, one that discourages open debate of scientific issues.” ~ Dr. Edward Groth, Senior Scientist at Consumers Union
50. Medical professionals opposed to fluoridation are apprehensive about speaking out in public infear of recriminations, censorship and intimidation. Proponents use these tactics because fluoridation practice is not based on secure scientific and ethical grounds.