
September 29, 2015

Comparison of Constitution and Sharia Shows Why Ben Carson Was Right

Important Note: We did not create this meme and while the comparison is factually correct, the artist made one mistake, the Supremacy Clause is in Article 6, not Article 7.
Allen B. West reports that what the majority of Muslim-Americans believe proves Ben Carson is right:
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson’s suggestion that he wouldn’t support a Muslim as president, given the conflict between Islamic law and the U.S. Constitution, caused an onslaught of the predictable outrage from the left.

He’s been excoriated as “anti-Muslim,” “bigoted,” even “anti-American” and unfit for office. Some, like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), went so far to demand he withdraw from from the presidential race — ironically, almost as if to prove the candidate’s point.
What’s more surprising perhaps is the outpouring of support for Carson’s comments, both from large numbers of GOP voters eager to fund him, but also the likes of former radical Islamist Tawfik Hamid.
The doctor of internal medicine, who advocates against radical Islam, stated earlier this week, “I can state unequivocally that Dr. Carson is correct. Without a single exception, the approved Islamic literature teaches violent principles such as killing apostates, beating women, killing gays, and enslaving female war prisoners for sexual purposes.”
And now, further support for the merit of GOP candidate’s controversial comments comes from Muslim-Americans themselves — a majority of whom openly ADMIT they prefer Shariah law to our U.S. legal system. Further, nearly a quarter believe the use of violent jihad is JUSTIFIED in establishing Sharia.
As WND reports:
There are now an estimated 3 million Muslims residing in the United States as citizens or with permanent legal status, and more than 250,000 new Muslim residents enter the U.S. per year as refugees, on work visas and student-based visas, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.

A poll commissioned in May 2015 by the Center for Security Policy showed that 51 percent of American Muslims preferred that they should have their own Shariah courts outside of the legal system ruled by the U.S. Constitution. And nearly a quarter believed the use of violent jihad was justified in establishing Shariah.
“That would translate into roughly 300,000 Muslims living in the United States who believe that Shariah is ‘The Muslim God Allah’s law that Muslims must follow and impose worldwide by Jihad,’” writes Frank Gaffney Jr., president of the Center for Security Policy.
Wow. Just wow. And yet our president can’t even acknowledge the existence of Islamic extremists, much less admit they are living amongst us in this nation. Yikes.