Nowadays it is really necessary to cleanse the body of toxins. Among the best ways to do that is the treatment with one of the most powerful means of detoxification – wheat grass or wheatgrass.
Wheat grass acts like a pure solar energy, and 7.5 grams has the same nutritional value as well as 175 grams of carrots, lettuce or celery. Its cleansing properties were known in the time of the pharaohs.
Today, as we face daily stress, polluted environment, harmful radiation and unhealthy food, its detoxifying effect is more important than ever.
If you feel tired and hard and you’re constantly distraction, cleansing the body with wheat grass can help you regain your energy and improve your health.
Signs that you need detoxification:
Wheat grass contains more than 100 elements needed to people, among which are the essential fatty acids, important enzymes and antioxidants.
One of the most important elements is the chlorophyll, which is about 70 percent of the composition of wheat grass. Chlorophyll is important to get rid of the toxins and heavy metals from the body. There are also vitamins A, B, B17, C, E, F, K and the minerals potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.
Wheat grass increases the number of red blood cells, cleanses the blood and other organs and stimulates the metabolism. Due to the high content of chlorophyll enriches the blood with oxygen. Effectively cleans the liver and neutralize toxins. It stimulates the thyroid gland and reduces the acidity of the body.
The juice of wheat grass back color with gray
Regular consumption of fresh wheat grass juice gives us many advantages, one of which is that it may slow the growth of gray hair and restore gray hair to its natural color!
She did not have any gray and she was 82!
Drinking juice of young green cereal first promoted Dr. Ann Wigmore. She examined in detail the healing properties of wheatgrass juice and developed and described in detail the process of growing wheatgrass in shallow containers at home or at any place. She made and inexpensive juicer for wheatgrass to make this elixir of life available for everyone.
She was 82 years of and did not have any gray hair! It was so incredible that the students asked her to allow them to examine her hair in the laboratory. The test showed that it was her natural color!
The juice of wheat grass is also an excellent blood cleanser and helps in rejuvenation and regeneration of our skin.
Due to the high content of chlorophyll and amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, wheat grass provides a wide range of health benefits and medicinal benefits.
Start with a rate of 30 ml of juice per day; and you can gradually increase to 30 ml two times per day.
Here’s how to grow wheat grass:
Wheat grass acts like a pure solar energy, and 7.5 grams has the same nutritional value as well as 175 grams of carrots, lettuce or celery. Its cleansing properties were known in the time of the pharaohs.
Today, as we face daily stress, polluted environment, harmful radiation and unhealthy food, its detoxifying effect is more important than ever.
If you feel tired and hard and you’re constantly distraction, cleansing the body with wheat grass can help you regain your energy and improve your health.
Signs that you need detoxification:
- Headache
- Allergy
- skin problems
- odor and unpleasant body odor
- indigestion
- flatulence and gases
- excessive weight gain or weight loss
- constipation
- fatigue, poor concentration, poor memory
- depression
- premature aging
Wheat grass contains more than 100 elements needed to people, among which are the essential fatty acids, important enzymes and antioxidants.
One of the most important elements is the chlorophyll, which is about 70 percent of the composition of wheat grass. Chlorophyll is important to get rid of the toxins and heavy metals from the body. There are also vitamins A, B, B17, C, E, F, K and the minerals potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium.
Wheat grass increases the number of red blood cells, cleanses the blood and other organs and stimulates the metabolism. Due to the high content of chlorophyll enriches the blood with oxygen. Effectively cleans the liver and neutralize toxins. It stimulates the thyroid gland and reduces the acidity of the body.
The juice of wheat grass back color with gray
Regular consumption of fresh wheat grass juice gives us many advantages, one of which is that it may slow the growth of gray hair and restore gray hair to its natural color!
She did not have any gray and she was 82!
Drinking juice of young green cereal first promoted Dr. Ann Wigmore. She examined in detail the healing properties of wheatgrass juice and developed and described in detail the process of growing wheatgrass in shallow containers at home or at any place. She made and inexpensive juicer for wheatgrass to make this elixir of life available for everyone.
She was 82 years of and did not have any gray hair! It was so incredible that the students asked her to allow them to examine her hair in the laboratory. The test showed that it was her natural color!
The juice of wheat grass is also an excellent blood cleanser and helps in rejuvenation and regeneration of our skin.
Due to the high content of chlorophyll and amino acids, minerals, vitamins and enzymes, wheat grass provides a wide range of health benefits and medicinal benefits.
Start with a rate of 30 ml of juice per day; and you can gradually increase to 30 ml two times per day.
Here’s how to grow wheat grass:
- Soak the seeds of wheat for 8-12 hours.
- Put the seeds in the glass jar; rinse them three times during the next 24 hours.
- When it starts to emerge germinate, plant the seeds.
- Pour the planted wheat and cover the jar during the first three days. During these days water the wheat well in the morning and spray it in the evening.
- Open the jar the fourth day.
- The ideal temperature for the growth of wheat and avoiding mold is 21C to 26C. If mold appears, plant another wheat grass.
- Wheat grass can cut down when it grows about 20 centimeters. Two days before harvesting bring it out to be exposed to the sun so it can happen the synthesis of chlorophyll.
- For the new tour, use new seed.
- The juice of wheat grass can be squeezed into a juicer or grind into a blender adding some water.