
May 11, 2012

Single Mother Bristol Palin Tells Obama Same-Sex Marriage is Wrong Because Kids Need a Mom and Dad

Bristol Palin finally — finally — weighed in on President Obama's same-sex marriage stance and, guess what? She's against it.

Didn't see that coming, huh?

In a new blog post entitled "Hail to the Chiefs – Malia and Sasha Obama," Bristol takes issue with the influential role Obama's daughters supposedly played in helping him "evolve" his opinion on same-sex marriage.

"In this case, it would've been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that's not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage," she writes. "Or that – as great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids' worldview."

Says the unwed single mother of one whose baby daddy is the living embodiment of Goofus from Highlights.

Sadly, she goes on:

Sometimes dads should lead their family in the right ways of thinking. In this case, it would've been nice if the President would've been an actual leader and helped shape their thoughts instead of merely reflecting what many teenagers think after one too many episodes of Glee.

OK, enough.

Go after the president, fine. Object to his worldview, no sweat. Use an antediluvian argument about an institution that has been constantly shaped and reshaped — even within Christianity itself — in order to excuse your blatant discrimination of taxpaying American citizens, that's your thing. But don't you dare speak ill of Glee.

That show is great.


  1. Where would the world be without the sage advice of great intellectual American heroes such as this national treasure? Everyday I think the god of the christians for her deep understanding and wisdom and hope one day to emulate her example, probably at a nightclub after several drinks.

  2. she's right. if anyone gave two rat's behinds for the children of gay marriages, they would see her point. men and women are different. both give different things to a child. both are necessary. two of one, do not equal one of each.

    stop fooling yourself. marriage is about having children, not going steady. and, if it is over, it is very very expensive in divorce. this issue is not honestly discussed. anyone who doesn't jump on the Glee bandwagon is shouted down or degraded. some of us care more about the children than the adults desire to pretend both genders are the same.

    btw, if both genders are interchangable, how come so many gay couples role play and pretend to have one being the man, and the other the female??

    1. "Marriage" is a state contract that "categorizes" people for tax purposes. When less informed people become emotional over a perceived infringement on their reality, they attack things that don't fully understand, leaving the responsibility for the "definition" to those who would manipulate their ignorance. In short, this whole issue is a straw man, to keep the ignorant masses griping about things that, in the BIG PICTURE, matter very little. Since when did we need the state to tell us who and who cannot get married?

      Let's talk about stopping these wars.

    2. Oh, and by the way, what do YOU really know of gay people to assume they role play any more than heterosexual people do? If you're a stay at home mom, you're roll playing, too.

  3. Bristol says that kids need a mom AND a dad. That is a blanket statement that says that ALL kids should have a mom and a dad.
    OK then Bristol - where exactly is the father of your children?? Why do YOUR kids NOT have a dad in their lives?
    And dont say you are not gay. That is totally irrelevant. You just said that all kids need a mom and a dad. So YOUR kids MUST have a mom and a dad. That IS what you said.
    So I will be calling CPS in alsaka to have them remove your kids because YOUR kids do NOT have a mom and a dad.

  4. To all those who say homosexuality is "natural" need to open their eyes and recognise that the anus was created for excreting filth from one's body! only filthy perverts would seek to derive pleasure from ssuch filth. They put themselves and other humans at risk by carrying and transmitting STD's, Aids etc.

  5. "marriage is about having children" So then a man and a woman who do not intend to have children shouldn't bother to get married. If your not going to/ can't have babies you should stay single?

  6. What better way to shift the national conversation away from Wall Street, the loss of constitutional rights, the raping of the sovereign economies of the world and all of the other important topics of the day than to discuss which family member advises politicians -- the important issues fly by while we discuss the views of office holder's children.

    1. So true! Keep them worried about "marriage rights" and they will never notice that the-powers-that-be took away the first five amendments to our constitution.

  7. "Gay couples are going to get together. It's been happening since ancient times. Legal prohibitions didn't, couldn't and would never stop it. Isn't it better that gays conduct their relationships within the context of a well-defined marriage law, same as heterosexual couples?"
